Need beta testers

Hello all, as the subject says i need beta testers for my plug in. Anyone who wants to help is free to do so, just go to (url="http://"") The one i'm testing is called Net Levels. Ignore the level descriptions, i haven't written them yet so they're incorrect. I have 3 new races and i think 10 new levels (like 6 of them are 1 on 1 battles). If you find any bugs post them here.

"That didn't sound so stupid before I said it" -Me
GR SN: Fire Eater
AIM SN: Fire Eater 27
Visit my plugs web page: (url="http://"")

Just out of curiosity, has anyone even downloaded my plug?

"That didn't sound so stupid before I said it" -Me
GR SN: Fire Eater
AIM SN: Fire Eater 27
Visit my plugs web page: (url="http://"")

Yes, I'm downloading it now... I'll send you a list of the bugs! 🙂

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

Er..., yeah, this is begining to feel like a soliloquy...
Bug number 1. Not really a bug in essence, more like an omission. It is a net scenario. Not that easy to test as a single player. (I suppose I should have thought of that, considering the description of the scenario). I'll hook it up between a couple of powerbooks over the holidays and have a bash through it.

Seriously though on a net scenario which introduces new ships and weapons should I think, have at least one single player (training) level in it so that the player can become familiar with the ships and weapons before going into real combat. Opinions anyone?


Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

Way ahead of you, sort of. The new guys are from a plug in that I abandoned bout 9 months ago. However, after putting these net levels together I've decided to finish the plug. Unfortunately, the free web space I'm using will end on Feb. 28, sometime before then I will have to move my site. Also, a link to the yet to be updated site for the plug is on the web page.

(edit) In case you couldn't figure it out the web page is out of date. The plot has had some changes since I last updated. (/edit)
"That didn't sound so stupid before I said it" -Me
GR SN: Fire Eater
AIM SN: Fire Eater 27
Visit my plugs web page: (url="http://"")

(This message has been edited by Fire Eater (edited 12-06-2001).)

Well, it seems Hera corrupted the plug and I was not aware of it til Starblade told me. So I just uploaded the fixed version. I won't go into detail but I didn't feel like putting half the levels in a second time, so it's missing the HVC Duel and all the Duels after the Gunship Duel. But I made it so you can be the Rashlatek Rebel Heavy Gunship in the Gunship Duel.

(edit) Well, my web site isn't working for some reason. The download is stll the old one even though I replaced it with the new one. But I loaded it into my iDisk. My iDisk id is fireeater. Well, Deimos Rising is done downloading. I'm off (edit)
"That didn't sound so stupid before I said it" -Me
GR SN: Fire Eater
AIM SN: Fire Eater 27
Visit my plugs web page: (url="http://"")

(This message has been edited by Fire Eater (edited 12-07-2001).)

Sheash. My site finally updated so the newest version is up there. If you have version 0.0.2 it's all messed up and you'll have to download the new one. It still on my iDisk if you want to do it that way too.

"That didn't sound so stupid before I said it" -Me
GR SN: Fire Eater
AIM SN: Fire Eater 27
Visit my plugs web page: (url="http://"")

(This message has been edited by Fire Eater (edited 12-08-2001).)

Blagh, I just spent the last hour trying to get the Salrilian Dominators to work right. But now they almost do. Everything works except, when they're captured and are near an asteroid, you can't see them on LR radar! Even if you're flying it! I tell you, some things this game does are just plain weird. Any ideas on how to fix this problem? Besides making them base objects (which would make it so that even the enemy could see them all the time).

"That didn't sound so stupid before I said it" -Me
GR SN: Fire Eater
AIM SN: Fire Eater 27
Visit my plugs web page: (url="http://"")

Well, in the meantime I got bored and re-arranged your plug so that the first four levels work as single player levels. this enabled me to sample the gameplay.

Very tasty ships! And the weapons are good too. The ship sprite sizes are handy, nothing worse than trying to pilot a one pixel sized ship sprite.

I'll try and grab the latest version. I won't mention the problems with the Sal dominators as you are well ahead of me there.

Further reports to follow...

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

Well, as you all can probably tell, I haven't done much plugging lately (what with Christmas coming and all). But I've finished all my shopping, and the Salrilian Dominator bug is the only one I can think of off hand as far as MP goes. So the net levels should be done soon (except adding another race that's not complete yet, and maybe three or four new levels). As far as single player, level 5 (which has been a pain and I can't get it to work right) I think I've almost got it nailed. If I do the Cruisers the same as the Dominators it shouldn't be a prob, as there are no asteroids on that level and the Cruisers don't have cloak. BTW has anyone besides Lord Commander Anic d/led the MP plug?

"That didn't sound so stupid before I said it" -Me
GR SN: Fire Eater
AIM SN: Fire Eater 27
Visit my plugs web page: (url="http://"")

There, version 0.0.4 has been uploaded to my iDisk (ID fireeater). This one has the Rashlatek Renegades (I don't like that name, I'm going to change it sometime). The Renegades have outdated Rashlatek ships. So if some of the weapons look that same they're close. The Heavy Gunship no longer has a turret and I might tone down it's weapons a little more cuz I only had 6 ship graphics for them (the transport and Assault Transport look the same, and I think that fits considering they're tech is outdated and when you're a band of rebels you have to make do with what you can get).I'll upload it to my site tomorrow. I still don't know what to do about the Salrilian Dominators, so they're still messed up. I was thinking there was something else... oh! Some of you may have noticed that the new races don't have their own troopers, if anyone would like to make some for them just post here or e-mail me.

"That didn't sound so stupid before I said it" -Me
GR SN: Fire Eater
AIM SN: Fire Eater 27
Visit my plugs web page: (url="http://"")

Good stuff! My plug uploaded INSTANTLY this time! It didn't lag for a day and a half. So it's up there now, surf on over and grab version 0.0.4. The next (and if all goes well last) version of this plug will include one or both of the following:
a) A working version of The Phantom Fleet
🆒 More net levels
If you have ideas for levels (multi or single player) post em here! I would love input on this plug! Without it this plug will die like all the others that I've started.

"That didn't sound so stupid before I said it" -Me
GR SN: Fire Eater
AIM SN: Fire Eater 27
Visit my plugs web page: (url="http://"")

I think that your web page has a little problem, but it might be my computer. When i click "Download preview levels," I get a message saying "Web page not found" Is this a computer problem? It seems funny, since others have apparently been able to download. Your levels sound 🆒, but how will I know if I can't get them?


Sorry it took me so long to respond but, I got a GameCube for Christmas and well, it's fun. Anyways, nope, it's a problem with the page, but the preview levels are out of date anyways. Just download the Net Levels plug from the main index, it's got the new net levels. As for getting anything done as far as the new levels, I'm going to pull another "got kuwl stuff for Christmas and was distracted from Hera" excuse.

One more thing, is it just that no one has any ideas for net levels? Or do you all just want to be greedy and keep them to yourself so you can use them in a plug that will hardly get started before it's dead? 😛 J/k, I mean, I know my levels are da bomb but maybe one of you has a good idea? 😛

(edit) fixed my smiles (/edit)

"That didn't sound so stupid before I said it" -Me
GR SN: Fire Eater
AIM SN: Fire Eater 27
Visit my plugs web page: (url="http://"")

(This message has been edited by Fire Eater (edited 01-06-2002).)

I downloaded the latest version as per your instructions, (version 0.0.4E).
The Dominators don't work! I had a quick look at the conditions. Seems OK. Perhaps the counter is interfering with the changing of the base type. You might try a test to see if capturing the ships is possible if the counter condition is not present...

Appart from that things all run smoothly and OK. The weapons are particularly cool. (A little bit of Galatica influence there?!)

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...


Originally posted by Fire Eater:
**Sorry it took me so long to respond


No prob, I havn't been looking. I'm downloading the new one now

The Journalist, with the latest news.

Well, I've been out of it for a while, lot o stuff goin' on lately. Hmmm, now that I think about it seems to be mostly napping. Anyhows, which weapons were you talking about? The ones on the dominators? Let's see what did I give them ...death ray...death torpedo...and a stealth. Or where you talking about all the ships in general? Either way I don't know, I haven't seen Galactica in a while and don't remember what they had (although I can't say they weren't from it, as I made most of the weapons way back too. That reminds me of the time a friend of mine thought she invented chocolate covered coffee beans... but that's another story (she is blonde, in case you wanted to know, no offense to her of course but sometimes she shows it)). Anyways, wait! Hold that thought! just thought of a new level idea. Gotta make it before I forget (I do that sometimes).

"That didn't sound so stupid before I said it" -Me
GR SN: Fire Eater
AIM SN: Fire Eater 27
Visit my plugs web page: (url="http://"")

Hey! Watch it, my ex-girlfriend's a blonde! Me like blondes!

On the subject of weapons, all of the weapons on the ships of theplugs are cool. They work well, they look good, they dound good. I never got a dominator to work, so I don't know what their weapons are like.

Surely you have re-runs of Battlestar Galatica on TV. 1978 it came out first..., a long time ago...

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

Heh, well, I don't remember that far back. Mostly cuz I never was that far back. But it's been a while since Sci-Fi has had one of their Galactica marathons.

"That didn't sound so stupid before I said it" -Me
GR SN: Fire Eater
AIM SN: Fire Eater 27
Visit my plugs web page: (url="http://"")