While I'm on the subject...


Originally posted by Fleet Admiral Darkk:
**Oh, Pallas: Open the MI map file with ResEdit, and the Pfhor Dreadnought will be pict IDs 160, 162, and 12420. The last one has another Pfhor ship in the background, maybe a Destroyer.

I don't have Infinity. I should, I've seen it for $10, but I don't have it.


Also, the M2 manual ship is Boomer, Durandal's Corvette. The model was changed from M1 to M2, with less curves and all. Check for something with Boomer written on it in the pict resources if you don't believe me.

That's what I've thought all along. The Boomer pic was my main justification. And it's in "What About Bob?," one of my favorite missions.



I've modified the Scalpal as per your ideas


Please be more clear, or should I just send you the file to mess with?
Let me try to help you be more clear.
Take the first 3 fingers on your left hand (thumb, index, middle). Spread them until they're at right angles. Open Scalpal image #1. Point your thumb right and your index finger up. Thumb is x-axis, index is y, and middle is z. Please state which dimension you want multiplied by what.

That's all I can think of, you seem to be saying the same thing I did (multiply y by 0.5).

Never fly in front when attacking a Jjaro ship. -Me

Sorry, I just can't see the difference. I'll take another look, maybe 0.25 would be better...

Take a look at the front view. It appears that (from the front) you changed O to |, but I was suggesting changing O to -
Strata switches Z and Y...
If you did, just give me a frontal view and I'll take a look.

If you want to take a look at the spin of the Bomber, (url="http://"http://caalaklael.tripod.com/ftr_rot.jpg")here(/url).

-Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
-Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
-Danae Vernius
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

(This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 01-20-2001).)

Actually, those AREN'T front views. They're skewed, and I was more focused on getting them to look good than getting them to appear very accurate in the absence of a frame of refrance.

I'll work on that. In the meantime, I've done the foldship. Check above for my ideas on it.
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/fadarkk/Foldship02.jpg")http://www.geocities.../Foldship02.jpg(/url) (this was an 1 hr 49 minute render)
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/fadarkk/Foldship03.jpg")http://www.geocities.../Foldship03.jpg(/url) (this was an hour and 56 minutes)

As for the bomber, I think small ships should not be skewed. Other than that, rather nice.

I'm working on the Remover, will post when done.

Never fly in front when attacking a Jjaro ship. -Me

(This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 01-20-2001).)

Personally, I think that the closer to top down they are, the better. Take a look at EV and EVO, they both have near vertical sprites, and they look great.

The Hard-Boiled Egg
Because she cant be beaten!

Almost finished the Assault Carrier. Need to get some better textures set up, though.

I can't get the Frigate to work, still, Pallas.

Hoping to be able to upload something soon,

Subcommander g'Var "8 Lightnings" Krai'un

Second in command of the Escort Starbeam.
“Imagine if you will, you’re standing on a grade of finely processed salt in a salt factory. Now, there is a very large rusty blade flying towards you at a very high speed. Imagine now, the feeling you will have as you fall into that salt after you are run through with that blade.” -Marathon Infinity, Terminal 0, Page 2, You Think You’re Big Time, You’re Gonna Die Big Time, Vidmaster’s Challenge Edition.

I think that whatever we choose, 45° or vertical, or inbetween, we should be consistent. There are a couple of cases where vertical is better, but 45° looks better, generally. We were previously talking about which angle to use, and then Darkk did the Dreadnought, so I just assumed that was what we were doing. I'll have to redo a couple if we decide vertical, but I'm more inclined towards 100% 45°.

-Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
-Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
-Danae Vernius
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

45° for everything but fighters isn't consistent? That's about what Nathan Lamont did...

Here's the frontal view of the Scalpal: (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/fadarkk/Scalpal07.jpg")http://www.geocities...k/Scalpal07.jpg(/url)

Never fly in front when attacking a Jjaro ship. -Me

(This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 01-21-2001).)


(This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 01-21-2001).)

Here's the Remover. I went for "odd".
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/fadarkk/Remover01.jpg")http://www.geocities...k/Remover01.jpg(/url) (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/fadarkk/Remover02.jpg")http://www.geocities...k/Remover02.jpg(/url) (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/fadarkk/Remover03.jpg")http://www.geocities...k/Remover03.jpg(/url)

Oh, and a piece of advice: never put off until tomorrow what you can slay today.

Here's Bungie's Pfhor Dreadnought: (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/fadarkk/PDreadnought.jpg")http://www.geocities...Dreadnought.jpg(/url)
ResEdit and Graphicconverter are beautiful things, żverdad?

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

(This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 01-21-2001).)

From what I've seen of the Ares Sprites, Nathan Lamont started out vertical and then switched. All of the sprites you see up to the Ishiman carrier are pretty much vertical. Then, the Auds, obviously one of the later races designed, have everything in 45°. So do the humans. If we are to choose one, we should be 100% consistent.

And you're sure that's the dreadnought? Hmm... it looks quite different from the corvette- did they change designs again?

I did a new energy pod- this is a TC, right :)?

-Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
-Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
-Danae Vernius
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

Yep, it's a TC. We can still use pulses/sounds/little things from Ares, though, but a new energy blob is welcome. I'm working on a space-folding sequence.


Here is Mr Battleship.
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/fadarkk/Battleship01.jpg")http://www.geocities...attleship01.jpg(/url) (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/fadarkk/Battleship02.jpg")http://www.geocities...attleship02.jpg(/url) (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/fadarkk/Battleship03.jpg")http://www.geocities...attleship03.jpg(/url)

A little like the Carrier/Dreadnought/Foldship, but differentiated nonetheless.


Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

You know I have been wondering why that big ugly thing was hanging outside all the windows in all the marathon levels...

The Hard-Boiled Egg
Because she cant be beaten!

We've also got to figure out how to do folding. It's not quite like the FTL drive. Really, we don't have many options for how it's going to work, but I'm sure we can find something better than the warp flare. If possible, there might be some restriction against folding in close to a gravity source. But I don't think it is. Too bad. One idea - make the ship look slightly different when folding in or out. A glow, inversion of colors, a couple of other things would work too. I think we'll just leave the castaway crew member, though. But I think I'll spend a bit making some new pulses etc. The further this is from the original Ares, the better.

-Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
-Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
-Danae Vernius
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

I'm not too great with pulses, so I'll make a special request of you Pallas: take a look at the GAE plug for EV, and make something like the quantom cannon shot. That's alot like what I want the energy flack main shot to look like...

I've made a feeble attempt at pulses, found here: (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/fadarkk/pulses.jpg")http://www.geocities...arkk/pulses.jpg(/url)

(It's a test of various colors, for those of you wondering.)

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

If you've got it, why don't you just post it up?

Here are my 3 pulses:
(url="http://"http://caalaklael.tripod.com/pulsea.jpg")Pulse A(/url)
(url="http://"http://caalaklael.tripod.com/pulseb.jpg")Pulse B(/url)
(url="http://"http://caalaklael.tripod.com/pulsec.jpg")Pulse C(/url)
And here's the (url="http://"http://caalaklael.tripod.com/energy.jpg")Energy Blob(/url)
I'll make some more...

-Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
-Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
-Danae Vernius
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

(This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 01-23-2001).)

And for the Pfhor Weapons:

Particle Accelerator (PART ACC) (Like concussive pellet gun, but better)
2 Fighters

Particle Beam (PART BEAM)
Turreted Particle Accelerator (TPARTACC)
5 Fighters

Particle Beam (PARTBEAM)
Neutron Bomb (NEUTBOMB)
8 Fighters, 1 Juggernaut

Gamma Array (GAMMA)
Neutron Bomb (NEUTBOMB)
10 Fighters, 1 Juggernaut

Gamma Array (GAMMA)
trih xeem (TRIHXEEM)
20 Fighters, 1 Juggernaut

Assault Carrier
10 Fighters, 1 at a time (FIGHTERS)
Particle Beam (PART BEAM)
50 Fighters, 2 Juggernaut

Turreted Particle Accelerator (TPARTACC)
15 Fighters, 1 Juggernaut

-Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
-Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
-Danae Vernius
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal


Originally posted by Fleet Admiral Darkk:
Shields 13000 (cost 130)
L5 XLR Fluctuation Missle (rapider fire, and definatly turreted)
L6 Fleet Warp (creates randomly (0 to 2 of) Scalpal and (0 to 1 of) Remover; uses vast quantities of energy)
Should generate resources when possible
(I thought Flagships would be able to telaport troopers, but yours doesn't seem to be, so I guess neither will mine.)

Actually, the foldship isn't a flagship. There are probably 2-10 that the Jjaro own, but there'll only be one UESG* Flagship. The Merrimack can teleport troopers, but not marines. I want it to be able to pick up frigates to move them around. If I wanted marines and frigates, I'd have to create 15 versions for 2 marines and 10 for one marine. Just not worth the effort. (Unless someone complains) Generating resources: definitely possibly. Periodic interval, activation action alter resources by x.

Pulse A, above, will be the Acretion Projector.
Pulse B, above, ?
Pulse C, above, will be done as follows: It will start at a random frame, and have an animation speed of 0. That way we have rainbow fire but it doesn't switch back and forth.
(url="http://"http://caalaklael.tripod.com/pulsed.jpg")Pulse D(/url) ?
(url="http://"http://caalaklael.tripod.com/pulsee.jpg")Pulse E(/url) is the fission torpedo.
(url="http://"http://caalaklael.tripod.com/pulsef.jpg")Pulse F(/url) ?
(url="http://"http://caalaklael.tripod.com/pulseg.jpg")Pulse G(/url) ?

Missiles and bombs will be done as objects rather than flares and glares.

*OK, lets make it like this: UESC: United Earth Space Colonies, UESG: United Earth Space Gov't

-Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
-Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
-Danae Vernius
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal
aren't we
only supposed to
be allowed
to have five
lines in our

(This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 01-23-2001).)


Originally posted by Pallas Athene:
**Pulse A, above, will be the Acretion Projector.

Um, NO!
The accretion projector shot is COMPLETELY different from that. I'll make it, as soon as I get time.

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

OK, Pulse A isn't the acretion projector. I don't think we'll need any more pulses, really. Most of the stuff we're doing is missiles and beams.

Here's what we should do on the troopers:
Troopers should alter occupation by 1, Elite alter by 10. Troopers should have a delay action to create an explosion in the area of the ship, possibly damaging it, as well as a delayed disable. Elite should have a massive (but slightly delayed) disabling effect, and a delayed event to "jettison" them from the ship to add a marine back to a passerby capable of carrying one. Ships should have an max occupy of 3x their Trooper capacity + 5x their Elite capacity, and then are immediately captured.


I almost forgot! All ships should have a periodic activation to decrease their occupation count by 1. Now I just have to figure out how to decrease the enemy's occupation count instead of your own...

Actually, it'd probably be fine to have the activation create an invisible object which has create actions of "alter owner to other owner" and "reflexive, alter occupation by -1."

-Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
-Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
-Danae Vernius
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal

(This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 01-24-2001).)