While I'm on the subject...

I remebered the circumstance without looking too. I guess I'll work on "large guns that look like Civil-War-era cannons" tomorrow when I'm awake. No work will be done tonight due to lack of sleep.

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

But did you remember Epsilon Euobea? 🙂

I finished the Nebulon ships. But don't think I sacrificed quality for speed. With good metaballing and an excellent surface texture, they look so good I don't think I needed to spend extra time on them.

-=MoC 94:19=-
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal
(This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 11-27-2830).)

No, you got me there. But can you think of any reasons the player character might be female (or at least effiminate)?

In any case, I'm waiting on you to inform me:
A) what the f*** Nar weapons look like and
🆒 how big they should be in relation to the "really fricking large" Nar ships.

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

Not really, why?

Nar guns? Big cannons, probably about 8-16 pixels across in relation to the ship that you showed us. As for what they looke like, cylinders with a hole down the middle should look fine.

-=MoC 94:19=-
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal
(This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 11-27-2830).)

Sounds like the Nar just have big rock shooters. Hey! Their dreadnought could have a Nasteroid launcher! 😄

The Oracular Net would like to know your favorite color

My copy of Oni has arrived. Watch my productivity (and sleep) plumit.
I'm not sure whether to :frown: or :D.

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

Well, despite an Oni addiction (I was up till 1:40 this morning playing it, and would have beaten level 10 despite interuptions for dinner/homework/bodily functions except I was too tired to think clearly) I got some work in on the Nar.

New and improved design: (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/fadarkk/NarDreadnought07.jpg")http://www.geocities...eadnought07.jpg(/url) (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/fadarkk/NarDreadnought08.jpg")http://www.geocities...eadnought08.jpg(/url)

Once the style is approved, I can probably finish off the other ships in short order. I envision the Nar ships as being all spherical, and the placement of the boxes on the sphere is automated, so that's easy. The principal differences will be in size and gun mounting.

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

As to the Pfhor, I've got the Fighter, Corvette, Destroyer, and Assault Carrier created, the Colonizer drawn.
The UESC, I've got the Fighter, Cruiser, Frigate, and Battlecruiser created.
Everything's done for the Nebs (except spins and Hera implementation)

To Sargatanus: Start creating the mission. Use placeholder ships in the meantime. Then we just have to give you the Objects, you paste them in, and the plug's done.

Neb Weaps:
Contrail (CONTRAIL) - Accelerates ship, leaves damaging contrail
2 Nomads
Contrail (CONTRAIL)
Drainer (DRAINER ) - Drains shields from nearest ship, add to yours
5 Nomads
Ion Beam (ION BEAM) - Disables ships
Drainer (DRAINER )
8 Nomads, 1 Khan
Ion Beam (ION BEAM)
Swarm Mine (SWARMINE) - Constantly circles enemy, dealing damage
10 Nomads, 1 Khan
Fragmentor (FRAGMENT) - Missile. Upon hitting, creates shards that home in. Destroys outposts.
Swarm Mine (SWARMINE)
20 Nomads, 1 Khan
12 Rovers (ROVERBAY) - Launched in "salvos" of four. Slowly.
Drainer (DRAINER ) - Drains shields from nearest ship, add to yours
50 Nomads, 2 Khani
Contrail (CONTRAIL)
15 Nomads, 1 Khan


It's all up to you, Darkk. Put whatever you want in.
Just remember that the Elite are the Elite CFN units (despite what they actually are)

-=MoC 94:19=-
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal
(This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 11-27-2830).)

(This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 02-10-2001).)

What about my Nar? Is what I've said and done OK? What do their guns fire? Or is it up to me?

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

Reference to the editing of last message.

Could anyone making ships make versions 320x240? That's the size I'm using as standard on the site ( (url="http://"http://marathon.invasion.tripod.com")marathon.invasion.tripod.com(/url) )

-=MoC 94:19=-
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal
(This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 11-27-2830).)

I just thought of the perfect texture for the Nar ships! The stone texture from M2! I'll see if I can get it extracted for you.

-=MoC 94:19=-
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal
(This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 11-27-2830).)

Okay, but keep in mind POV-Ray doesn't have much in the way of texture options. I've never actually used an image as a texture before, I've used ones created on the fly.

Okay, the Nar ships will be done very fast :D, and I'll try to do the texture later.

Wait, what do their weapons actually shoot? That would be nice to know, you claimed you knew the Nar weapons...

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

I would think it would at least have an option allowing you to put in an image. If not, oh well.

I can't find any posts of myself making references to Nar weapon. A couple inferences , assuming they're big, essentially, but nothing about the actual weapons.

Did you receive the textures? I sent them a couple minutes ago, with others. I think I'll stay up another hour and a half to design the remaining three ships in my assignment. Then I'll use the next week to stick them into Hera as objects, and I'll start fooling around with things.

Concerning missions: Are we planning on playing through from multiple viewpoints, or just the UESG (S'pht'Kr). I assume the total's still hovering around 50? I just want some information so I don't become obsolete after the ships are in 😄

-=MoC 94:19=-
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal
"Fate protects fools, children, and ships named Enterprise." -Riker to Bridge Crew

Man that was fast. POV-Ray automated the whole "different surface boxes" aspect, and I got this done in about 5-10 minutes:

(In case you can't tell, the pattern in their boxes is different for each ship. Changing that in Strata would probably take a good while, as there are about 2000 of those boxes.)

In the plug, they will be different sizes, which will make telling them apart easy.
I wonder if it would be OK to do them top-down, as they look better that way (IMNSHO).

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

(This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 02-10-2001).)

Yeah, there's an option, but I've never used it before, and I think those textures are better for ship interiors anyway. I've got the Jjaro partially Hera-implemented, but not fully.

Darkk's to do list: (list=1)
()Jjaro Quantum Missle
)Nar Fighter
()Nar Weapons
)Nar Transport
()Finish putting the Jjaro into Hera
)Put the Nar into Hera

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

Pallas's to do list:

  • Make 1 or 2 pulses

  • Create the remaining couple spins

  • Implement Pfhor

  • Implement UESG

  • Implement Nebulons

-=MoC 94:19=-
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal
"Fate protects fools, children, and ships named Enterprise." -Riker to Bridge Crew

Um, please answer this question:
Are my designs for the Nar OK, and can they be top down?

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

The Designs for the Nar are OK. However, I think they look better from an angle.

Note on timeframe: The S'pht'Kr and the UESG sacked the Pfhor homeworld in 2881, Tau Ceti was destroyed by the Pfhor in 2794.

-=MoC 94:19=-
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal
"Fate protects fools, children, and ships named Enterprise." -Riker to Bridge Crew

By the time you read this, the Nar spins, except for the Carrier (which I forgot to model :frown:) will probably be done :D!

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

It only takes me about a minute to set up a spin, and 4 to render it. Unfortunately, I then have to take about 10 minutes to set up the spin itself to be imported. Does your estimate include the actual importable pict or just the images? I think I've got most of the images ready to be assembled.

-=MoC 94:19=-
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal
"Fate protects fools, children, and ships named Enterprise." -Riker to Bridge Crew