New Plug for Ares, The Canthran Legacy

I am going to release version 1 of my new beta plug for Ares, The Canthran Legacy, set right after the end of the last normal campaign mission, that picks up where Ares left off, in the next week. All the original races are back, and every one has new ships, like Ishman have Battleships, Battlecruisers, Schooners, and several prototype ships, like a new version of the carrier, with much more firepower and better fighters.
The game will be balanced, and will have all new levels (about 10), and around 10 new ships, each new ship will have brand new weapons. There might be net levels, I have not finished testing them yet. There will be no lengthy movies with the first version to keep download times small. If you can offer graphics that you have made for use in the plug, then contact me @
Also, there may be new races, though I am badly needing new graphics, since I am more of a programmer, less of a graphics designer, I would like to work with someone interested in graphics.
Annyway, it will be avalible for download (in beta form) over the next few weeks.

Some new stuff in this plug:
-Every race has at least 2 new ships, which have new weapons.
-Those ships, will of course, be buildable in missions.
-The plug is designed to be quite difficult, but there will be a guide avalible for download as well, if you need it.
-Net levels are a possibility, if there is demand.

Some samples of the new weapons of destruction are:
(I give 6 of the ships I have made here, to give you a taste)
these have three bays of fighter drones, which take a long time to launch between bays, but each bay houses 5 very destructive combat drones, which are more deadly versions of the defense drone, lighter armed, but they move faster than fighters.
Equipped with rapid firing laser turrets, designed to repel small craft, and a very dammaging bolt weapon for larger ships.

a sort of cross between the gunship, and the heavy destroyer

Like a heavy destroyer, but more so. Used to take out very dangerous enemy ships quickly before they can get going on your fleet.


Used to spy on enemy ships, and to take them out very stealthily.

?????No clues on this one


-Ships that generate resources for you like planets (possibly)
-Planets can be upgraded to have built in defences (so you can order a planet to build a Planetry Defense System that takes some of the heat in firefights.
-Weapons that disable, which can then be captured by the enemy
-The ability to use tractor/repulsion beams, which pull in or push away enemy ships (for instance a transport would have a repulsor beam weapon to stop enemy ships getting near it, and a gunboat/rescue ship would have a tractor beam to pull the ship closer for easier aiming/rescue)
-New kinds of missile that can fire lasers, or ships that fire pods which then split open and release lots of missiles.
-Disabling weapons, for instance that can take the targets weapons/sheilds/propulsion out of comission for a short time.

Please reply with your thoughts.

If you stare too long
into the abyss the abyss
stares back at you.

Kewl. Please do some decent multiplayer scenarios.

William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
"Strategic warfare" is code for "killing civilians", and it's my calling. Yeah, it's barbaric. War's supposed to be.

That sounds spectacular. Can't wait to see it. (I'd help if I actually had real design skills, but my Photoshop Skills end at patching and modding real photos.

The Hard-Boiled Egg
Because she cant be beaten!

plz do not post this in multiple forums, it agitates the moderators, and we dont want to do that now do we? 🙂

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 9

(quote)Originally posted by Pyro:
**it agitates the moderators, and we dont want to do that now do we?:)

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.