I have to ask again...

Has Pillars of Garendall's bugs been fixed? Can it be registered now?

About the bugs, I'm not sure. As for the availibility, I don't think so...the demo is, of course, downloadable, but as for the full version...don't think so.

Here is what I recently wrote in response to a similar question on the Coldstone forum:


I can now give you a good and probably accurate reason for our latest delay. Both Wiretap and Snapz fail to work with the new Intel computers. Since these two programs are a large part of Ambrosia"s present income, their ability to function with newer computers is paramount. This fix is also proving to be more troublesome than expected.

More work has and is being done on CS/PoG, but only with secondary priority when time allows.

Our pet project has been forced into the back seat again, but is still on the bus. 🙂

The "code monkey" department of the Ambrosia staff has not given this up as a lost cause, but any company has to make money to pay the bills and staff. The most productive projects take precedence over some projects which are deemed "less fruitful."

I do wish the news was better, but at least it's not all bad.

Well, I did notice andrew posted in the Snapz Pro progress log a day or two ago: http://www.ambrosiasw.com/forums/index.php...4312&st=25# ; so at least we know that's going along.

Hey since dragster, red line, and sketch fighter have been completed and DEFCON is in the making, has Ambrosia been able to shift any more work force to the COld Stone/PoG fix?

Just wondering,

Jack, I'm gazing into the bottom of my teacup and the alignment of the leaves does not look at all good. A while back, David Dunham stated on the "Help" forum that while CS/PoG was not officially dead it certainly was on life support. I have a problem with that choice of phrase because what I see is the life of my favorite game being given no support.

A couple of third parties with talent enough in the right areas have volunteered to work on the code. Rumor has it that the boss has said that in his opinion the code is so screwed up that it's not worth the effort.

Again, while no death certificate has been written, I think to keep one's hope up is futile at this time.


@rubber-ducky, on Dec 1 2006, 07:00 PM, said in I have to ask again...:

Jack, I'm gazing into the bottom of my teacup and the alignment of the leaves does not look at all good. A while back, David Dunham stated on the "Help" forum that while CS/PoG was not officially dead it certainly was on life support. I have a problem with that choice of phrase because what I see is the life of my favorite game being given no support.

A couple of third parties with talent enough in the right areas have volunteered to work on the code. Rumor has it that the boss has said that in his opinion the code is so screwed up that it's not worth the effort.

Again, while no death certificate has been written, I think to keep one's hope up is futile at this time.


That is very sad; but logical. I wonder if it'd be possible to release Coldstone and PoG as free/open-source like Ambrosia did with Maelstrom; there's probably contract issues though.

Well the PoG/Coldstone has probally cost ambrosia alot of money, I meen they payed for a game that didn't work (well at the time it did). So I doubt they would ant to spend more time and effort on a lost cause. Though if theres a third party group "volunteering" maybe some thing will happen, but I'll try not to keep my hopes up to high.

(Though I will still keep'em)