Ares High Command

With all the influx of plugins that are to be expected (but not neccesarily made) with the release of Hera, we would need a number of sensible people from the Ares board to help regulate the flow; approve good plugins and possible reject bad ones, and possibly set standards, as in races, and ship types. It would be interesting to base it on the Ares universe, however. Here is a list of people I would suggest and the arrangement of the panel.

Head of council: Admiral Grammaticus, of course.
Elite Members: all Ares Web Board moderators
Obish Emissary: Me
Sal Emissary: Slug
Nijayias Emissary: Fleet Admiral Darkk

All races would have emissaries, so UNS, Gator, Zid, Jeet, Ishie, Can, and Aud would still be open.

"If so, then how does one count to 10 on the Mac?"
"128, 127, 126, 125..."
-Pallas Athene, Member of the Obish Consensus

I'll bring the transalators 😉

I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Admiral za'Grom
After the capture of Earth

What about me, I'm the commander of a mercenary squadron?

Sir! Our shields are dropping!
They're firing! _ says the lieutenant as a torpedo appears on the view screen.
Well, it seams you won't have the last laugh today Therg. Says Captain Fullers voice over the speakers.
The torpedo strikes the ship removing it from the sky in a violent explosion.

Don't forget Cicion, he's also of emmissary status.
And Sargantanus is currently in charge of the Salrillians in an ongoing story, if that matters.

I approve of this idea... The purpose of this council would be to assist on matters of the Ares Universe, I assume?

For example: The would-be plugin designer wants to focus on the Obish-Gaitori conflict. They talk it over with you, Pallas Athene, and learn a little about what we've done with the Obish in previous plugs, etc. Then, with your suggestions in mind, they create the plug.

Or would it work some other way?

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Well, somewhat. The Gaitori emissary would be consulted too. One thing is that emissaries could not bring forth a resolution to consider involving other races. You, as a moderator/elite member, would be able to bring forth a resolution on anything. Everyone would vote. The more important purpose would be recognizing "standards" and approving plugins for quality. Cicion would be an Audemedon emissary? Or will we have to add Phyds. Bob could be human, I suppose.

"If so, then how does one count to 10 on the Mac?"
"128, 127, 126, 125..."
-Pallas Athene, Member of the Obish Consensus

I'd apply, but I am making a large plugin, (partilly done) and it would be quite biased of me to accept my own plugin. Still would be a shame if I rejected my own though... funny.

"These are my terms, abide by them or drink vacuum."-Tycho

I think that someone should definately take the spot of Mercenary emissary, I'd recommend Bob or myself. But since I want to be UNS Emissary, I'd vote for Bob. UNless people want me as merc emissary. Anyways, I apply.

yeah, it's gone
fireworks and blown speakers
strobe lights and hurricanes
i'm not here
this isn't happening
i'm not here

-Radiohead, How to disappear completely (and never be found)

You deserve a spot, Cotton Mouse. I don't think we'll let anyone vote on their own plugins 🙂 Just pick a race. Revisions to list:

Emissary of independent factions: Bob
UNS Alliance* emissary: Newt
(TBD) emissary: Cotton Mouse
(Aud or Phyd) emissary: Taeskor Cicion

*UNS Resistance w/ Earth (I assume you want that)

"If so, then how does one count to 10 on the Mac?"
"128, 127, 126, 125..."
-Pallas Athene, Member of the Obish Consensus

Cicion drops from where he was hanging up in the ceiling, listening the whole time, and speaks. I will be the Phylydion emissary. Although I once commanded Audemedons and occupied an Aud body, I am far, far more equipped to be a Phylydion representative.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

I will assume the role of UNS Alliance Emissary. I think I could represent the Government of the UNS with Bob representing businesses and such. In any case, I will NOT be acting this character anywhere else, only as a high council type. I think I'll take on some kind of psuedonym for this, I'll use an unregistered account or something. All I need is an alternate name for the high council. Suggestions?

yeah, it's gone
fireworks and blown speakers
strobe lights and hurricanes
i'm not here
this isn't happening
i'm not here

-Radiohead, How to disappear completely (and never be found)

Raises one eyebrow. You consider seven frigates and a schooner to be a galactic power sized force? Those must be some kadt good ships.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Thanks for offering.

Sure, I will take UNS ressistance.

The main folk in my plug are human anyway.

"These are my terms, abide by them or drink vacuum."-Tycho

Current Emissaries:

UNS Alliance: Newt
UNS Resistance: Cotton Mouse
Gaitori Isolationist Interdiction: Commodore Ambrose
Obain: Me
Salrillian: Slug
Independent Factions: Bob
Phylydion: Taeskor Cicion
Nijayias: Fleet Admiral Darkk

No Emissaries:

Gaitori Union

"If so, then how does one count to 10 on the Mac?"
"128, 127, 126, 125..."
-Pallas Athene, Member of the Obish Consensus

I know you're not exactly my biggest fan, but since Slug retired would you at least consider having me as the Salrilian emmisary? I have a whole notebook full of ideas (mostly jotted during lunch) that I would like to implement into our pseudo-universe, and this position would help a lot since some of the ones I've introduced have been twisted beyond all meaning. Sundered Angel could tell you about some of my ideas if you need a refference. But anyway, I believe I could be a usefull addition to the panel, so at least think about it.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

So let me get this straight: Slug leaves the board, and subsequently the council, so we are to leave the Salrilian spot empty and void of input out of respect? I fail to see any logic what-so-ever in that. I can however, see someone taking my words out of context and thinking that I'm just trying to barge in on Slug's territory, which would be pretty damn disrespectful, but this is certainly not the case. I have gained a ton of respect for Slug in the past few months. My reason for posting my interest is as I stated: I have a lot of cool ideas that I would like to implement, and being on a council such as this would be a great opportunity to do just that and most likely improve on those ideas.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

I would be stoned to death If I were to leave now...

espically after being gone for so long.

"These are my terms, abide by them or drink vacuum."-Tycho

No, actually he spelled it right. Look it up if you don't believe me.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

Stop (or do not even start) squabbeling about the spelling of "vacuum" And which plug-ins would this council regulate? All plugins ever created? Or just the ones that get uploaded to

Stop whining about Hera! If you keep your posts to a minimum, then the people who are working on Hera will have nothing else to do, and will work more, and it will come out faster! Stop whining!!

Slug, Slug...

All plugins we can get our grubby little hands on.

"If so, then how does one count to 10 on the Mac?"
"128, 127, 126, 125..."
-Pallas Athene, Member of the Obish Consensus

I don't even need to point out how much of a dumbass you made of yourself in that post, Commander A.

"These are my terms, abide by them or drink vacuum."-Tycho