My New Species

Some of you are already familiar with me (namely those of you who saw my post in the breifing room forum), but for those of you who didn't read it (arrghh......) i'll breifly describe myself. I am a self-proclaimed master RPGer (is that a word?) and story teller, as well as being the owner of Taeskor Cicion (i couldn't resist ol' buddy, lmao). Anyway, Cicion told me about these forums and I plan to become an active member of the Ares RPG.

I am planning to introduce a new species called the Orda. This species is divided up into three sub-groups. The first, named the Gonda, make up the basic infantry of the Ordan army (ground assault forces clearly). They are basically gorrilas, but with scaly grey skin and green eyes (the characteristic traits of all Ordans). They are very muscular, but arent very intelligent. The second subgroup, the Meita, are very tall and thin. They're not very strong, and most of them are either scientists or politicians. The third (and possibly most interesting) group are the Seida. They are of about human height, and aside from the skin and eyes, they basically look human. However, they are actually very powerful and are the most revered class in Ordan society. At birth, the are implanted with nanomachines that give them impressive powers (think mechanically induced magic).

The Ordan homeworld is a large planet called Ordania, which is in the center of their empire (comprised of about 100 planets). They do not really conquer races, but should they destroy a race in self-defense, they are more than happy to take over their territories (lol). While they have an extensive army and navy, the pride of their fighting forces is their massive warship the Zanostra.

My character is a member of the Seida (as is indicated by his last name), as well as a general in the navy. My character is 6'2" with long black hair, the customary grey skin and green eyes, and wears something to the effect of a trenchcoat. He doesn't carry a weapon, but then again, he doesn't really need one.

That about does it, and i will present my first post in the RPG sometime next week.

That is all.

"We shall dominate their armies, pillage their cities, and banish their spirits to the land of eternal darkness."
-Corporus 1st Class Tavron Seida
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