The Officer's Club Bar

ahhh crap!
My taxi crashed into a comet on the way here to pick me up!
oh well....

You wouldn't happen to have something Flourene-based that I could drink? (besides Flouride water)


Walks back in.

Well, I've run a few tests and apparently I'm not dead. So, barkeep, do you think you could rent me a Devil's Breath?

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Stop saying "Cicion says" something! YES, drinks! Slug already payed, whether he knew it or not. There you are, Angel.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Rent a Devil's Breath?
What next? don't buy electricity, lease it! :rolleyes:

How did Slug pay 'is tab?
(CICION SEZ: "I 'found' this. hee hee.")
Stolen Salrilian Dreadnought warps into the system, it's crew protesting loudly


"Clubs, bills, and partisans! Strike!
Beat them down! Down with the Capulets; down with the Montagues!"
-Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Act I, scene I


Hey, I might try that one. Save on the bill, at least.

Downs his drink, and spits a perfect fireball half-way across the bar.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

The bar's automated weapons blast the Salril ship to atoms.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Uh... I think that ship was Slug's method of payment. 😄

Got any fullerene soda?
Try to keep it cold, as warm fullerene soda tends to make you explode.

If it ain't broke,
I'll break it.

-Admiral Forseman

I just destroyed that ship to show how insignificant an increase it would make to my Armada's power.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

A bartender needing an armada?
Jeez! Your patrons must really be stubborn when it comes to paying their bar-tabs!

In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
In denying it, one finds hope.

-Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.


"Learn about art captian,
when you understand a
species' art you
understand that species"
Grand Admiral Thrawn
at the fist battle of his

Ipvicus, that was funny enough to make me post. 😄

You have some pretty low posting standards, Noot.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Actually, Cicion, I thought it was pretty funny too.

In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
In denying it, one finds hope.

-Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.

Note From Sundered Angel: Revealing people's actual identities online is an invasion of privacy. If you'd stop it please Slug, and anyone else.

(This message has been edited by Sundered Angel (edited 04-19-2000).)

STOP USING MY REAL NAME! I am DEAD serious about this, slug.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Man what a week I've had. Gimme something REALLY strong to kill this wierd voice in my head. That thing in the Oracular Net was a little more advanced than I thought. I figured I could just link onto it through my DT unit and wipe out the consciousness like a bad virus. Damn thing almost assimilated me. But I feel normal except for one hell of a headache.

Hey sundered Angel, I've made a few modifications to that marvelous fighter you designed. This model wont be quite as fast, but it will have a little over twice the firepower, and nearly three times the shielding and armour. Once I restore some of my power on Salril (which shouldn't be too tough considering that I've merged with the Oracular Net) I should be putting them into mass production.

Anyway, I'm ranting. About that drink... Any suggestions?

" Throught their history, these 'unenlightened' beings have continually organized to opposed the injustices and attrocities committed by their bretheran in power. We, as the prophets, would do well to learn from these humans."
-Final statement of Salrilian reformist Sirthis before his execution.

Whoa there Cicion! Misspelling my name? Try not to hurt my shattered ego too much there, eh?

Just shakes his head to himself, and tosses Sarganatnus a Mad Mrelf. Washes some glasses. Suddenly a large number of Phylydion warships Omni in system. Ah, there are the replacements for the ships we lost, plus a few extra.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Since I participated in the battle and lost my whole fleet to the ex-Admiral Slug, could I have a few of those Gaitori Frigates?
Or a couple of Elejeetian Battlewagons would be nice. 🙂

P.S. CICION : I only saw Slug using your name once.


Don't give me what I asked for,
give me what I want.

-Gaitori Grand Admiral gao'Irthus,
during the fourth Gaitori-Obiard war.

Gimme some batteries capitable with my "digestive" system but packs a powerful punch for some simulated excitement. y the way incase you havent guessed Im Audemadon. And if anyone tries to pop my bolts ill beat the organic crap outta them!!

Sundered Angel shoots Sargantanus a long, enigmatic glance.

Really? I suppose by switching the Temporal ShieldDrive with a Sal Reactor, you could do something like that...

Anyway, I'm working on a new model myself. Hope your headache passes.

Finishes his drink and walks out the door.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only