The Officer's Club Bar

To Slug Yes and no. The way you take orders won't be that different.

To Sundered Angel, showing him the sword. I'm very familiar with the Living Stones tale. It was stated that if one of them should get ahold of the sword that only "the one born of flesh and bound to risic (ancient Salrilian form of bronze) could stop the destruction. The figure was also refered to by pointing to (from the surface of Salril) the star "Gathahisk," which by the way, we know as Sol. The way I see it, the Living Stones could easily have represented the computers making up the Oracular Net. It makes sense, the computers were constructed of superconductive alloys and silicon. Most of which are mined in one form or another. The latter figure seems almost obvious. A being bound to bronze from Sol. Well, bronze could quite easily represent any metal, since it was the only one the Salrilians could work with at the time the prophesy was told. I was born on Earth, in the Sol system, and turned into a cyborg when the slugs wanted to see if humans could make decent soldiers and officers. Seems some prophesies are more than just fairy tales.

Anyway, what I find interesting is the writing on on this sword. It bears similarities to some of the early writings on Cantharis, and these figures are almost identicle to the writings of the mystery cultures of Atlantis and whatnot from Earth. What can you make of them?

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

Sundered Angel takes the sword from Sargantanus and holds it to the light. As you watch, Sundered Angel frowns. His eyes flash red, and crimson fire flows in delicate tracery down the runes, new runes appearing as it goes.

Damn. The Dark Runes.

He looks up at Sargantanus.

This sword is dangerous. I'm taking it to ensure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands...

Then he rises and strides out, whereupon Sargantanus almost has a fit. Salrillian guards appear from the shadows and give chase, but Sundered Angel moves impossibly fast. As a commotion ensues, Sundered Angel briefly appears beside Jane.

Have a few drinks on me, honey. But I'd steer clear of the Devil's Breath.

Then he's gone, an Angel Fighter streaking away into the depths of space.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

((Allright people, as you've probably guessed, a new interactive storyline is opening up. Show off creative flair, watch the evolution of what could quite possibly be a new plug-in, and have a bit of fun. I'm creating a new thread for it, and events there are seperate from the bar, wherever the story leads. Enjoy!))

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Jane blushes and pulls her cap off letting her hair down. A sudden wave of euphoria sweeps through her. Quickly looking at Commander Cicion, Jane explains "Just keeping your seat warm for you. By the way," Jane asks inquisitively "you wouldn't happen to have Duploi beer, would you?"
Seeing Commander Cicion's blank stare, she shrugs her shoulders. "Heres the chemical composition." Jane opens her jumpsuit to pull out a small chip from her inner pocket. She lays it on the counter, and sprints out of the room after Angel.

No Guts, No Glory.

Looks at the paper. Yes, I have this, but not by that name. Don't recall what it was... Mixes the drink and hands it to Jane. There you are.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Has anyone heard those stories about men posing as women on the internet? I just hope Cicion know who's hittin' on him before he start flirting...

Jane? What Jane? I thought she went out the door. looks at drink, then at bartender with a bemused look
What's that?
snaps out of daze and asks
So, do you have any orange juice?

Axis Software-

I'm not doing that at all. Neither is Jane. If anyone is flirting, it's Angel.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Slug runs out of the bar screaming :eek:

Sorry about your starship, Captain ga'Krüg, but as we say on Earth :
'C'est la vie'!

-Admiral Williams,
Shortly after the defeat of the 3rd Gaitori fleet.

Eh hem.. Ahh, Bartender, you wouldnt happen to have a selection of exotic matter back there would you? Ya know like maybe some anti-mass or perhaps some remains of a spacial-coaxial reactor or anything like that, maybe? And whether or not you do could I have some cream-of-Catharan wine?

"Those were your last words." Grand High Qzan Enforcer (right before he exiled Nak'goek to the nearest galaxy)

Hands him a glass of wine. That'll be 3 scintak. And I believe I have some Omni-matter(Matter perpetually suspended in Omni-space) in storage.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

This bar needs some music...mind if jimmy page comes in and plays some tunes with my Guitar?

ramble on..

walks back in

Forgot my hat....

Are those Pickled Gaitori Eggs??? :eek:
Pass me that jar...


Sorry about your starship, Captain ga'Krüg, but as we say on Earth :
'C'est la vie'!

-Admiral Williams,
Shortly after the defeat of the 3rd Gaitori fleet.

walks up to Cicion asks for electric recharge lemonade :rolleyes:

Aims slightly used ICBM at dr Tom turley

(This message has been edited by Forcemaster (edited 04-25-2000).)

Jane walks into the bar laughing and talking with a co-pilot.

"...So, I got onto the ship, and two minutes later I was reading his mind again. Before he knew it, I had telekinetically taken his sword, and jumped into fighter wing which promptly brought me to the Salrilian homeworld. After three hours of inspection, the Divine Slugs of the Salrilian temple concluded that the sword was a fraud! Anyway, at least they found out that it was the nefarious Prí-Tómbé Sword of Despair, and I don't think Angel would've needed that."

The co-pilot and Jane laughed and drank some more before getting on to business. "What'bout this last component we salvaged from Andromeda?" He asks.
"Put it up for grabs..."
Co-pilot, Rawc, stands up on his chair and begins to yell out an anouncement to the crowd
"Comrads! How'bout a drink'n contest for a Grand Prize of Kinetic Quantum Drive?"
The crowd begins to laugh and cheer.
"Hold ye'r liquor and last man standing WINS "
A rythmic beeting ensues as aliens bang on tables and cheer for the prize!

Meanwhile, Jane slips through the crowd over to Cicion. "Duploi Beer?"

No Guts, No Glory.

Hands Jane her drink. There you are. Walks around, checking in with his security team. Hits a button on his wrist pad, and is teleported to the bridge of the Radiant Flare. Time for some deep-space pirating fun. *The Flare disappears into Omni-space.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

(I no longer go by the name InasaPulse)
Hmmm... Omni matter? What the he- sees that Cicion has vanished. Great! Just great... hmmm, he wont mind if I just... look around? Right? trys to go to the back-room, suddenly stopped by force field. So he changes the frequency of his own megnetic field and passes it into the back-room Wow, lots of interesting crap here. Ah-hah! sees a red tinted canister with Qzan writing on it, also has a label on it saying in Cicions language "Unknown, has not been tested yet", picks it up and goes back to the bar This has to be one! Yes it is! I can use this to go back home and tell my people about what our own govrnment did to me and many others! Suddenly an alarm goes off and a robot comes and swoops the cannister up and into the back-room, then a stronger force-field crisscrossed with deadly plasma forms in front of the door Damnit! Fine, ill just get myself a drink then.
"Those were your last words." Grand High Qzan Enforcer (right before he exiled Nak'goek to the nearest galaxy)

(I no longer go by the name InasaPulse)
Hmmm... Omni matter? What the he- sees that Cicion has vanished. Great! Just great... hmmm, he wont mind if I just... look around? Right? trys to go to the back-room, suddenly stopped by force field. So he changes the frequency of his own megnetic field and passes it into the back-room Wow, lots of interesting crap here. Ah-hah! sees a red tinted canister with Qzan writing on it, also has a label on it saying in Cicions language "Unknown, has not been tested yet", picks it up and goes back to the bar This has to be one! Yes it is! I can use this to go back home and tell my people about what our own govrnment did to me and many others! Suddenly an alarm goes off and a robot comes and swoops the cannister up and into the back-room, then a stronger force-field crisscrossed with deadly plasma forms in front of the door Damnit! Fine, ill just get myself a drink then.
"Those were your last words." Grand High Qzan Enforcer (right before he exiled Nak'goek to the nearest galaxy)

PS:The name in the message before this was an accident (whoops!)

And now, the award for most posts goes to... THIS TOPIC! Not that that's a bad thing... Where's the cherry coke?

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For some reason, u have to copy and paste.
I'm building it and need
some of Ares community's

"There will be a day on Earth when a great evil will descend. This evil force will be called Ford Motor Company. It will set new standards: Lower than the fiery pit. By losing Volvo's uncorrupted state, Earth is vulnerable. And then, it will be time to attack."

-Nokis, Salrilian Prophet

Some time later, Jane realises something much to her dismay. Sundered Angel seemed friendly enough, and extremely easy to mind-read and persuade to take the sword back- Too easy.
Obviously, without a reason to flee, Sundered Angel should have returned here like the bar-loving rogue he seems to be. But all reports have him fleeing deeper into Gaitori space. Is it possible that a mistake has been made?
Far away, Sundered Angel pulls out the real sword from its hiding place, laughing softly to himself as the stars streak away behind him.

((Obviously, the plot cannot continue until Sargantanus writes something useful for us. Continue your quaffing, drinking, and amusing attempts to thief off with Cicion's secret supplies.))

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only