re: the release of Ares 1.2.0 & Hera 1.0.0

Ares 1.2.0 and Hera 1.0.0 -- the official release versions -- will be made available either today or tomorrow, with the appropriate fanfare, banner ads, and news announcements.

The public beta test is over and the official golden master release is looming. You may, in fact, have already noticed that the (url="http://"") main page has changed slightly...

In the meantime, hang tight. I just have some busiwork to do to make it all happen.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Thank you!

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

bah, you can post in every forum but we cant...

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 10

awesome finally no more ares 1.2.0 B6 YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
praise andrew 😄

Being 6 feet tall isnt bad , just not as fun as being 50 feet tall

And Nathan Lamont of course.


of course
i cant wait for the dl links to come up 😄

Being 6 feet tall isnt bad , just not as fun as being 50 feet tall


posted by me:
bah, you can post in every forum but we cant...

Ok sure andrew, but wouldnt it be more feasible just to put it in a (ANN) thing above the webboards? NOTE: if this is offensive in any way just tell me, im just being all curious.

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 10

(This message has been edited by Pyro (edited 04-09-2001).)