Mana'Hara question

stuck after Utian village

Hello all,
I've been stuck for a bit now after the Utian Village. Elders tell me to go find a cave, I go looking, I find a ladder one screen south, get told there's nothing there, keep looking south and I'm not finding anything. Short of "keep looking" are there any pointers? Do I have the right ladder but I'm missing some other piece of the puzzle? I've tried searching as far as the entrance to the forest (SE of Berglum) and even a few blocks further south.

It's been a long time since I played this plugin, but I seem to remember there being two ladders. If you haven't found where to go yet, post back and I'll try to confirm this for you. ~RD

Got frustrated, went home and clear cut half way from here to Berglum, and finally stumbled upon the second ladder. Just had to broaden my search.
thanks anyway

Ned of the Hills, on Feb 15 2006, 11:14 AM, said:

thanks anyway
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You're Welcome. And welcome to the boards, Ned of the Hills. 🙂