New Plugins anyone?

Any new plugins in the makings?

I'm a new member, have played POG for several years now, and was wondering if any quest oriented plugins (big ones) are in the makings? If so, what time should they be out? I've played and beaten most of the plugins that are available, and a little tired of the normal POG game. Plugins make it so much more fun. Thanks!

Leatho Shellhound
Josiah English :rolleyes:

Hi Leatho Shellhound, and welcome to the boards. 🙂

Several major plugins have been placed on hold (do we read abandoned?) while the community waits for updates to Coldstone and Pillars of Garendall. I can only hope that the other developers and myself find the time and interest to complete these when that day comes.

The Four Mages, by Cafall is quite possibly the largest plugin in development to date and expands on the idea of the Spirit of Nature. It is, perhaps, 50% complete and to the best of my knowledge, not being worked on.

Utian Village, by Stark Bledfast ran into some major bugs of Coldstone and has been put on the shelf until further developments warrant bringing it back to life.

Murder in Pine Swamp, (a sequel to Damsels in Distress ) by Rubber Ducky is not moving forward at this time for at least two reasons. 1) I reached a writer's block in an important part of the storyline and, 2) I did not see the point of putting so much effort into solving this when the current downloads are 100 - 300 rather than the 1000 - 3000 which was expected in the past. Maybe when PoG is once again available for sale it will be time to dust this off and try to finish it.

The above are ones that I have some personal knowledge of and some connection with. I'm sure there were others. At least hints have been put forth about plugins we've never seen.

Voyage to Brunaria, by RD is a work in progress. It is a semi-major plugin to answer my own challange for plugins which will work with the demo version of PoG. There are at least 5 new maps and some creatures not seen before. I'd guess it is 60 - 75% done. Perhaps I can find some time over the Holidays to finish this up. Hopefully it can go to beta testing in January, 2006.

Looks good. I guess I'll just try to be patient. Maybe I can get Coldstone and make something myself. I don't know
