My Plugin Survey

For my plugin, I need help coming up with names.

  1. Which would you rather have a ship named?
    a) Gaitori Blockade Runner
    🆒 Gaitori Light Cruiser

  2. Which Gaitori name sounds cooler?
    a) gao'Tchü
    🆒 gui'Irthus

  3. What kind of weapon would be more suitable for a Gaitori Heavy Freightor?
    a) Unguided particle weapon
    🆒 Guided Missile weapon
    c) Beam Weapon
    d) The Holy Hand Grenade!

  4. What would you rather see?
    x) Gaitori vs. human battle
    y) Audemedon vs. Grolk battle
    <pi> ) Sundered Angel shouldn't mess with Slug's messages

Thanks for your opinions!

Sorry about your starship, Captain ga'Krüg, but as we say on Earth :
'C'est la vie'!

-Admiral Williams,
Shortly after the defeat of the 3rd Gaitori fleet.

(This message has been edited by Slug (edited 04-28-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Sundered Angel (edited 04-28-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Sundered Angel (edited 04-28-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Slug (edited 04-28-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Slug (edited 04-28-2000).)

1/ A

2/ B

3/ B

4/ The Hidden Option- Option 82 "Sundered Angel Strikes Again"

But he can't, can he :frown:

(This message has been edited by Sundered Angel (edited 04-29-2000).)

  1. Which would you rather have a ship named?
    a) Gaitori Blockade Runner

  2. Which Gaitori name sounds cooler?

  3. What kind of weapon would be more suitable for a Gaitori Heavy Freightor?
    🆒Guided Missile weapon

No Guts, No Glory.

Sundered Angel: there is no number 4. What were you talking about?

No Guts, No Glory.

Jane, look closer.
hmm, looks like a unanimous vote so far.

Would you like to ride on your own ass?
-Advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand

1. A

2. A

3. A

4. Z

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

(This message has been edited by Sundered Angel (edited 04-28-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Sundered Angel (edited 05-01-2000).)

  1. A
  2. A
  3. D
  4. 3.1415926535879

Last night, I played a blank tape at full blast.
The mime next door went nuts.

(This message has been edited by Commodore Williams (edited 04-28-2000).)

actually, it's 3.14159265358 19 5892....
it took my computer half an hour to get that.

Would you like to ride on your own ass?
-Advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand

Damnit! He noticed!
Ponders other, more devious ways of getting attention

Sundered, editing other people's responses is not your right.
I want you to change Dr. Tall's response back to the way it was so I can get accurate information.
You ought to consider youself lucky that I don't contact the Administrators and have you expelled from the web board.

Would you like to ride on your own ass?
-Advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand

Your wish is my command, Slug. Or was that someone else?

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only