Stuck in Damsels

Assistance on Plug In

I have rescued a few princess, wasted some money (yes i tried it twice just for giggles) and now I am being asked for some pices of the sword. I have two and when I show them to the Hag nothing happens. Obviously I need more pieces. How many more? Please! And maybe a general direction to look. Should the Hag give me more clues as to the pices other than she scattered them?

I don't know what you might be doing to not get a response from the lovely Hag of Hartsford. She is expected to tell you the locations of any pieces you don't have. If you have two pieces, she will tell you about two more, and when you've found those, she'll reveal the location of the fifth (and final) piece.

It is a fact that if there is a blue dog or cyclops near her island, usually on the other side of the stream to the north, she will clam up and not talk. This is not exactly a bug but rather a glitch built into the game engine that interaction with a passive NPC will not take place when there are hostile NPCs in the near-by vacinity. Try eliminating the hostile NPCs in the area around her island first and then see if she will be more talkative. If that doesn't work, let me know just what she does say, and I'll try to trace what is missing here. There may be a step in the sequence which you need to complete first.

Rubber Ducky, on Dec 6 2005, 03:42 AM, said:

I don't know what you might be doing to not get a response from the lovely Hag of Hartsford. She is expected to tell you the locations of any pieces you don't have. If you have two pieces, she will tell you about two more, and when you've found those, she'll reveal the location of the fifth (and final) piece.

It is a fact that if there is a blue dog or cyclops near her island, usually on the other side of the stream to the north, she will clam up and not talk. This is not exactly a bug but rather a glitch built into the game engine that interaction with a passive NPC will not take place when there are hostile NPCs in the near-by vacinity. Try eliminating the hostile NPCs in the area around her island first and then see if she will be more talkative. If that doesn't work, let me know just what she does say, and I'll try to trace what is missing here. There may be a step in the sequence which you need to complete first.
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Okay so what I did was just search around and found one more piece. I then killed every thing on the screen and that worked. I have the blade and am trying to find Ratznest nest. A lot of work went into this plug in. Great job. Still looking for Ratznest though.

You said in the first post in this thread that you wasted some money. By that, I assumed that you had paid a ransom for the princesses. If that's the case, then you have already met Ratznest. So I'm not sure what you need when you say that you are still looking for Ratznest.

To meet and talk to the Hag, you had to meet and talk to Jimmy in Troll Sentril. Perhaps you should go back and talk to him again. He might know where Ratznest hides his treasures. 😄

Rubber Ducky, on Dec 7 2005, 09:18 PM, said:

You said in the first post in this thread that you wasted some money. By that, I assumed that you had paid a ransom for the princesses. If that's the case, then you have already met Ratznest. So I'm not sure what you need when you say that you are still looking for Ratznest.

To meet and talk to the Hag, you had to meet and talk to Jimmy in Troll Sentril. Perhaps you should go back and talk to him again. He might know where Ratznest hides his treasures. 😄
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I miss spoke in a manner. I am lookign for the final princess and Ratznest lair in the toe.

On the way to High Garendall there is a cave off to the side which goes deep into the earth. You'll find an ornate gate about 5 levels down. Walk toward it slowly and you'll get where you want to be. Good luck (You'll need it.) 🙂