Sorry for missing the torney...

Hey Vegeta! Sorry for missing the torney on Friday 1/21/00! I would've really liked to have come. My computer crashed about 8:15 PM. :frown: Then, I started it up, and it wouldn't connect to the internet! I have a cable modem, so I need a steady IP address for it to work. One of the things that Mediaone recongnises you by is your IP. Well, my IP was screwed up, so I couldn't go on the internet! Tech support was going to be an hour or two, and the torney was coming up fast! I tried everything, but then the torney was well into the middle, so I gave up 'till later. In the morning, I woke up the computer from it's sleep, and my IP was back to normal again! So, sorry I missed the torney. Who won?

I come, I go; You'll never know...

-Admiral Dennis