Ship Sell Back

When seeling a ship back that is stock standard in a new plug and it cost 100% and sells back for 110% how in nova can you add a value to devalue the ship once bought. it sells back at 110% because of the outfits installed as standard I would asume.

Nova will pick up on that and should be showing debug warnings about it. Everything does devalue to 25% when you buy it. I can only suggest you increase the price of the ship, seeing as it sells for far less than the value of its outfits.

ok thanks guy, my only problem is the outfits had to be expensive... so if i make duplicates can i make them not visible in the outfitter and make them cheaper then use them in the ship instead that should fix the resell value issue, theoretically?

O and yeah nova did pick up on it and i tried to fix it but it didn't work thats why i was asking.

This post has been edited by Lostpinky : 12 November 2007 - 07:58 PM

Hm, wouldn't that mean you could then buy the normal (expensive) versions of the outfits as well? You may be able to make it so that when you buy the ship, the cheaper versions appear in the outfitter instead of the expensive ones.

How do I sell a captured ship?

Click on it, and then press Y to hail.

I call epic gravedig.

In the future, it's a better idea to make a new topic or use the search function for "sell* captured escort" or similar.

Otherwise, do as David Arthur says. 🙂