Various problems I haven't seen before.

@jalisurr, on Oct 20 2008, 11:37 PM, said in Various problems I haven't seen before.:

The problem is they jump in, and when they should be destroyed, they just disappear from the targeting display, but aren't destroyed. They even still appear on the radar, I just can't target them and can't destroy them. Any idea what the problem is here?

Do they have unusual ships, or belong to an unusual government? If so, switch each of these to a more normal value in turn could help track down the problem. And yes, it is kind of unclear what you mean be 'should be destroyed'.

I can post a screenshot, but I don't think it will help. Note that the alien fighter is the one that should be a fiery ball right now. Placeholder graphic.
Attached File Wraith_Probs.jpg (66.39K)
Number of downloads: 16
By 'should be' destroyed, I mean that they become disabled, then I keep firing and they drop off my targeting display altogether, but still are floating disabled in space, and I can't hurt them any more. In the screenshot, if you look hard, you can see that there is still a grey dot on my radar where that ship is, as well.

As for their government, there is nothing that stands out so far as I can see. Most things are set to -1. Their ships are nothing unusual, I mean I created both the ship and the government from scratch, but I have gone over all the options I think might have caused this and nothing seems to stand out.

Give them a DeathDelay of 2 or greater.

Perfect! Thank you, Qaanol! 🙂

Now, why does this error occur? Is the engine unable to calculate a delay less than 2 frames? Should, for example, this be added to the little pop-up thing which explains plugin making to me in mission computer?

Just one of those things. Like, a mission set to pay between 1 and 999 credits actually pays zero. And the player's ship can only turn at rates in increments of 30ş/s. And whatever the thing was about cröns and not setting all of some set of fields to zero that I can't remember exactly.