A call for coders

C coders that is for an open-source project

The following are instructions on how to install OpenArena, the base for Dawn of Infinity.

If you haven't already, install the Developer tools including the MacOSX10.4u SDK.
install the ogg/vorbis libraries from xiph.org (./configure, make, make install)
copy the installed ogg/vorbis libraries (copy, not move) to /Develper/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u/usr/lib/
move the MacOSX10.3.9 and 10.2.8 sdk folders out of the /SDKs/ folder temporarily. put them somewhere safe, but out of the /Developer/... folder.
Download the openarena-0.8.0 from dawnofinfinity.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dawnofinfinity -you'll need to use SVN
the ioquake3serverfix folder contains the sourcecode to OpenArena. Open it.
Make all the code changes you want. Then compile it using make. It won't make a universal binary yet, only per-architecture binaries, and no .app package.
You'll find your compiled binaries in /ioquake3serverfix/build/...
Copy or Move the three unix executables into /OpenArena.app/Contents/MacOS/
Delete the binaries in there that end in .ub. The OpenArena.app copy is a backup of these prebuilt executables.
From inside the app package, run openarena.i386 or openarena.ppc (depends on architecture of compiler) from the terminal. OpenArena should now run properly.

The following needs to be done:

Reorient the camera so that third-person-view defaults to 90deg overhead, north-up (not player-heading-up). Maybe push the camera farther away too if it needs it.
Friction of Slick-Parameter floors needs to be set to 0. Don't touch regular floor friction.
The players need to be modified so they cannot look up or down, only straight ahead.
We need a map that will simulate space. short enough to prevent jumping, slick floor all around, flat floor, no objects (no asteroids quite yet), and really big.

That's a start, once those are completed we can think of further tasks. If you get it working, send me the changes and I'll SVN-commit it. Only Captain Bob can give you SVN write access, and you need a sourceforge account for it.

I've tried to do some of this myself. I've gotten nowhere, but I have no time now to keep working on it due to school, and I probably won't for a while, so if you want a multiplayer ev-like game and can code in C, this is your chance to help.

Note: OpenArena can be compiled on Windows, Linux, and OSX. I've only figured out how to compile it on OSX, but there are official windows and linux builds. The code is perfectly portable, and should run on all 3 systems. That means no direct-memory access, no malloc/dealoc, no dynamic array sizing, and none of those other goodies.

For the record, posting here was LNSU's idea. Yes, we've been working quietly on DoI, and yes, additional coding talent would be wonderful. I've never specifically asked for help from the Ambrosia community, because I've suspected the reception would be lukewarm, and we'd generate an unwanted buzz amongst people who want to play the game but can't help in development. I realize everyone has their own projects occupying their time; I myself can't make DoI a top priority right now. But if you have the coding skills, and are willing to figure things out largely on your own in the name of advancing an EV-like multiplayer game (eventually an EV-like MMORPG), all are welcome to register on our forums. Let me know if you do, so I can add you to the group of valid posters (it's an anti-spam measure).