Need A Bit Of Help

Pers Mission Ship...

I'm needing a bit of help figuring out how to place a ship that offers a mission when boarded in a specific system at a specific time. I'm thinking I need a pers ship but I'm not sure how to make it appear where and when (in the plot line, actual date / time is of no concern) I want it.

Thanks 🙂

You could do it via pers, in which case you'd place that pers ID with a probability of 100 in one of the syst's pers fields. Make that desired mission available from a pers ship and set the pers ship's linked mission to the mission ID. See mission 909 and perses 443-448 (why are there 6 identical copies of Eamon Flannigan?).

You could also start an invisible mission ahead of time and use its special ship for ShipGoal:Board, which would Sxxx on ShipDone.

So, you want a përs to appear only at a specific time and place, and offer a mission?
Nonconventionally Creative is right about using the s˙st probabilities to help place them.

There is an AppearOn bit somewhere in the përs resource.

A separate mission would control the appearance of the përs; how that mďsn is controlled is up to you. In that missions AcceptOn string, it would set some bit that appears in the AppearOn field for the përs, and cancel it in the OnSuccess or OnAbort fields, causing the përs to appear in the systems that specify it while the mission is active.

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 23 August 2008 - 07:57 PM

@eugene-chin, on Aug 23 2008, 05:43 PM, said in Need A Bit Of Help:

Isn't there an AppearOn bit somewhere in the përs resource?

Oh, yeah, that's what I forgot.

Thanks guys. I eventually went with a pers with a disabled gov with a 100% appearance chance in the correct system limited by the on appear option.