Official announcement thread

Yeah, so the title isn't clear. I thought I'd be different. This is an announcement of my small TC which will probably take until about December, if all goes well. Things I need help with will be put up as well. It is based on Starcraft, and has a completely different style of gameplay than either SC or EV:N. You are (currently) an SCV, although I might expand it to include Probes. The game consists of gathering minerals from asteroids during the middle of heated battles, and using them to support your forces. You go to the "planet", which is probably a Battlecruiser or something, and sell the minerals, because I can't figure out how to have them instantly translated to money. You use these to buy Barracks, Factories, Armories, and other such things. Some of them just allow you to build new units from existing things, so if you have a Control Tower, you can have the Starport build Dropships. Barracks and other such things that actually build the units are basically bays. You deploy a Barracks on the field, and it will pump out Marines every 24 seconds, etc. You can also purchase upgrades for your units, such as the U-235 Shells for the Marine, or Cloaking for the Ghost. It will take some figuring out, but it's looking just fine right now. I'm trying to keep it as similar to the original game as possible, which includes units like Firebats not being able to attack Scouts (complicated system using the only damage planet things), all the damage levels are the same as in SC, health, range, shields, etc. However, there are definitely some differences, do to things I can't do with the engine. The Arbiter and Science Vessels are basically scrapped completely right now, Lockdown is just a very potent ionizing weapon, Siege Tanks can't siege, etc.

Original SC graphics, with varying number of frames (ground units are generally 16, air are 32, Observer has 28)
Weapon firing animations for all the units
Weapon animations that are cut from SC screenshots, resulting in very low quality
At the moment, a complete lack of Vespene Gas
No Zerg (sorry, I'm not spending four hours arranging the frames for the Mutalisk sprite)
Stats identical to the original game
An innovative and unique style of gameplay


Is there a way to make ships not fire their weapons until the reload cycle is complete? As in, the Barracks has to wait 24 seconds until it can make a Marine.
Is there any interest in this project at all?
More coming!

@0101181920, on Jul 17 2008, 07:20 PM, said in EV:N:SC:

Is there a way to make ships not fire their weapons until the reload cycle is complete? As in, the Barracks has to wait 24 seconds until it can make a Marine.

You mean, the Barracks comes into play, and you don't want it to make a Marine right away, but once the Barracks has been around for 24 seconds it can fire?

One way to approximate this is with a placeholder weapon that appears before Marine Bay in the Barracks shďp resource, set to fire exclusively, that has the same reload as the Marine Bay (719 if you want it to fire once every 24 seconds) and give it one ammo. However, this actually has the effect of making the Barracks not create Marines for 24 seconds after it first becomes hostile to a target. Which means, for instance, if the Barracks is just sitting there for a long time, and then something attacks it, it will need to wait an additional 24 seconds to make Marines. However, if you know the Barracks will be under attack as soon as it appears, this will work fine.

Thanks! That'll work just fine.

There are tools available for windows that can extract the sprites from the data files.

I don't have a PC.

Yeah, sorry, I'm double posting this so people will know that I have new news. I went on the trip, intending to get a lot of the work done, but couldn't, because my powerbook is running 10.3. Guess what? 10.3 Preview can't read bitmaps. So I didn't get anything done on that. I'll continue work on it tomorrow. Official progress reports and stuff like that I'm going to put in my signature.

Bollocks, it must be able to. If you really can't get it to play nice though, open it with QuickTime Player (and if that doesn't work then I suspect your files may not be normal bitmaps).

Well, it sorta doesn't matter right now, since I'm back home with a fully functional computer that has more than thirty seconds of battery life (not exaggerating. Battery=completely shot to hell) and has 10.5. Thanks, though. That didn't occur to me since I've never used Quicktime for anything but videos.

I know you said original SC graphics and such but if you look at Modesty Blaise (that is his name right?) account he has a link to his 'shipyard' which has all the Protoss ship graphics in there which he made (VERY GOOD). If you could get him to let you use it in your tc it would be sick!

Yeah, I've looked at those, but really, they actually look fine in game, just not in the rlëd resource preview. I just need weapon sprites, the little logo's for the abilities, and someone to explain how to get the Photon Cannon firing graphic to work correctly.

If I have a graphic, I can probably get it to work.

Here you are. I hope you can get it to work, thanks!

Attached File(s)

Sorry, can't do anything with a 0B rsrc file.

Okay, here's a standard plugin format.

Attached File(s)

Still getting a 0B file. Using .zip compression without first .bin nukes the resource fork. Either use .sit or .bin.zip (See the plug-in compression guide)

Okay, that's weird, it's worked before... Anyway, third try. Hope you can open .sitx.

Attached File(s)

Huh? This is a ship that doesn't have any rotation frames, only animation.
Edit: and .zipping a .sit or .sitx is pointless.

This post has been edited by Nonconventionally Creative : 30 July 2008 - 02:35 PM

That's the point. This is a Photon Cannon from SC. It doesn't move, it doesn't turn, it sits in place, pops up, shoots, and goes back down. That's all it does.

So are you saying it only can shoot up? Because it won't look right if it fires in any other direction.

The weapon is a turret.