Shďp Use Of Outfits

@joshtigerheart, on Aug 1 2008, 01:41 PM, said in Shďp Use Of Outfits:

"Free mass" is just the mass left over. Ships automatically get the exact amount of space they have in included weapons and outfits on top of that when stripped.

Remember, outfits can have up to four mods. So you can just make invisible, reverse Mass Expansions and Cargo Pods. Or in that case, you can just set the actual free space and cargo to the values, since the player can't sell those two anyways.

I was pretty sure they couldn't be sold, too, but in the data files for the port, the "Cannot be sold" box is not checked.

As far as mass/cargo outfits, I think I've got that stuff figured out. I'll just work under the assumption that they cannot be sold and change the values of the ships themselves. I'm trying to find a solution to the shield/armour issue now.

Also, since the non-Hawk bays are technically massless and have a tech level that means they can't be sold, I have to decide whether or not to follow suit with variant versions, or give them an arbitrary mass and make them purchasable (I also can't find an outfit for carried Gunboats).