Making new Ships for Nova

The false dichotomy that I was referring to (and in this case I may have been mistaken) was the idea that humans either like angles more or they like smooth lines more, or, in other words, that I was arguing one 'side' of the issue and against the other. My intent with suggesting the presence of a false dichotomy was to point out that our points were not related to each other in an opposing sort of fashion in which the weakness of one side causes strength in the other side. Now that I look at it, my point with this was adequately represented in my citation of the other fallacies, so my citation of a false dichotomy (which may have been a false one) was unecessary, one way or the other.

As for space ships not needing to be aerodynamic, I thought of it, but that wasn't a large enough flaw in the argument to really yack about.

I really like the look of the Taiki. Pity it'll never see production.

I do like everything except for the front, actually.

well, if you think about it, curved is the new triangular :D, but seriously, curves look 70% of the time better than EDGES