rebel patrol boat help

obviously i haven't got the exerience.

can someone please take a look at this. I cant tell whats wrong. i really want to be able to finish this plug. if Someone would take my spun mask and sprite and somehow fix them so they work i would LOVE whoever did it.

this is the mask

Attached File(s)

I know what is wrong with it. The mask is black where it needs to be white and white where it needs to be black. I'll flip flop it myself if I have time and post the change.

Scratch that... You did the mask wrong. You need the ship to be a solid white (not shaded) and you need the area around the ship to be black (not shaded). Right now it is shaded so I can't just make everything white and everything black.

I started to un-shade things but it would take me too long just to show an example...

Hopefully you know what you need to do now. I'm bad explaining 😉

I think that shading may be compression artefacts from the image having been saved at one point in a lossy format like JPEG.

of doom, you need to open your mask image in Photoshop (or equivalent), and do two things:

  • First, reduce it to pure black and white. In Photoshop, you can do this with Image->Adjustments->Threshold.
  • Second, invert it. In most programmes, Command-I does this.

This should produce a passable mask for your ship.

No, what he should really do is start again and avoid using jpeg. And invert if necessary.

I think you've got an even bigger problem (at least, from an artistic perspective) on your hands than the mask:

You too a frame of a Fed Patrol Ship facing up, recolored that, and then rotated that one frame in 36 directions, yes?

But while the graphics Escape Velocity and EV Override were rendered with the camera facing straight down,
the graphics for EV Nova were rendered with the camera at a 45ÅŸ angle.

If you were to place a ship with your graphic in next to a regular Fed Patrol boat, you'd notice what I'm talking about as they turned.

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 11 May 2008 - 02:13 PM

Maybe Josh can use this for his Department of Useless Plug-ins (or whatever it is called).

Messed-up Ship Graphics! Make everything look like that game where your going through a tunnel and you move along the walls. :laugh: