EV:Interplanetary Alliance

I'm attempting to create a galaxy at this time and have about 200 systems, many of them are uninhabited and without names, the ones near Earth are named after the nearest stars to Earth, and will not name the more distant planets untill I determine the societies of the residence. Names are based on culture, a planets' name can be a holy word, or a symbol of an ideal. Knowing the purpose of a system can help you name it.

Minor update: - also, i just discovered how to do these '¨' using short-cuts... expect to see alot of them. Hehe. Whimsical.

sÿst: 226
spöb: 80
dësc: 40
gövt: 6
pätïëncë: wearing thin.

Yoda, you were right about the 'finish it within a week' mentality. There's certainly a wall to overcome. That wall is certainly centered around düde's, flët's, chär's and mïsn's... so far, 50% of my time has been spent fiddling around with planet graphics, about 30% on creating them in photoshop, and 20% on the dësc's themselves.

However. Having written down a list of what I consider the important cornerstones of any good plug-in (namely, writing, and the plug-in actually working) I should have the former completed within the month. That includes all spöb dësc's as well as the preambles and mïsn map.

Completed so far:
80% of sÿsts,
20% of spöbs,
10% of dëscs,
30% of preamble,
5% of mïsns

conclusion: this is gonna take awhile.

@sobercounsel, on May 7 2008, 10:31 AM, said in EV:Interplanetary Alliance:

conclusion: this is gonna take awhile.

a truer statement has never been uttered 😉

This post has been edited by Yoda Almighty : 07 May 2008 - 10:19 AM

Let me drop a few suggestions.

  1. Get to a playable point ASAP. It'll save you massive headaches in the long run if you can test and balance things the moment you make them. Paper balancing does not work with the Nova engine.

  2. Don't focus on completing a whole set of resources before moving on. Many resources interact with each other, most notably with ships. There's a good chance that if you, say, make all of your ships before you do weapons, you're going to have to go back and do a ton of modification to your existing resources. Rather, I'd recommend picking one specific segment of your galaxy, such as an area that'll be owned by a major government, and develop that extensively with all of the resources, ships, weapons, outfits, spobs, non-storyline missions, etc, that it'd need to make it fully functional. You'll feel like you're making much more progress than through other methods and, if worse comes to worst, it'll make it much simpler for you to downsize your project if you feel you have too much on your plate.

  3. On your writing, that time frame is too short. There's a ton of text to go into a TC. Off the top of my head, you have spob descs, bar descs, outfit descs, ship descs, escort descs, gambling descs, news strings, commercial strings, comm strings, a number of other strings, common mission briefings, common mission acceptances, common mission completions, important mission offers, important mission briefings, important mission arrivals, important mission returns, important mission completions, and so on. I'm sure there's more...

This post has been edited by JoshTigerheart : 07 May 2008 - 12:51 PM

@yamfries, on May 7 2008, 08:19 AM, said in EV:Interplanetary Alliance:

a truer statement has never been uttered 😉

You got that right.

And as for you, Tigerheart, you are right. There's ship pictures, outfit pictures, governments, government ships, ship sprites, asteroid sprites, planet sprites... need I say more? If you're doing a TC, you will need to make new planet pictures, new ship sprites, and new asteroids. Trust me, it's going to be hard work for you.

Once you understand the resources, the work is anything but hard. It's just extremely tedious and repetitive.

Well i'm definately going to rethink my approach. Just the Eastern cluster then this month. I have 80% of all dësc's and 100% of all spöb's and s˙st's. Not to mention the new graphics thanks to Greg Martin's informative tutorials.

Attached File(s)

What? No flaming and calling people n00bs over an attempt at a TC as a first plug?! Congrats to the community for this milestone! And congrats to SoberCounsel for attempting such a huge feat.

That gets boring after four years.