Theres a reason why I was only offering one bonus point.
Escape Velocity: Collision
@lnsu, on Apr 29 2007, 05:04 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
If the wraith are being more aggressive, and the wraith have decided to wage war on the polaris, then yes, they will form an army to battle with. It would be a normal Wraith Adult, but perhaps a bit smarter (Increase the value of the strength field, and decrease the value of the skillvar field, AI = 4 (interceptor)). Also, when targetting, it would say "Wraith Army", or "Wraith Militia" or something like that.
Got it.
@crusader-alpha, on Apr 29 2007, 05:38 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
The Wraith Legion.
That one I like. But I'm not sure a single wraith could be considered a 'legion' (as opposed to an 'adult').
@joshtigerheart, on Apr 29 2007, 06:55 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Theres a reason why I was only offering one bonus point.
...So did I get it? And what, no special prize?
Woo! Post #101 (on this topic)! For me, post #82 (most of which were probably on this topic)!
This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 29 April 2007 - 09:58 PM
@starbridge21, on Apr 29 2007, 08:54 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
That one I like. But I'm not sure a single wraith could be considered a 'legion' (as opposed to an 'adult').
Haha. I was referring to the army thing. Members of the wraith legion. Or wraith legions, even.
@crusader-alpha, on Apr 29 2007, 11:07 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Haha. I was referring to the army thing. Members of the wraith legion. Or wraith legions, even.
Aaaah I get it. Like the difference between the Polaris and the Nil'kemorya (or in this case, the Wraith and the Wraith Legions).
Well, regardless, I still like it. And, also regardless, I'm still going to need a designation for each individual Wraith.
Wraith Militia? Wraith Marine? Wraith Armywraith? Wraith Wraith? Wraith Fighter? Wraith Destroyer? Wraith Defender? Wraith Retaliator? Wraith Predator? The list goes on and on....
Retaliator has a nice ring to it.
So I was absent-mindedly thinking about my TC last night -- my train of thought was drifting around it, really -- and it hit me (while I was in the shower, no less): I now have a name for my TC. It just came to me, and I thought, It's perfect! I think it really emphasizes the whole "end of the world" feeling of the story; the final struggle to preserve humanity. I love it. Sorry guys, I didn't use any of the ones that were suggested, but there will be more TCs, and thereby more opportunities for those names to be used.
In case you're wondering why I haven't told you the name of my TC yet, it's because I'm not going to...yet. You see, I don't want to declare a final, definite name for the TC, only to come up with a better name tomorrow and having to say, "Yeah...sorry guys, I came up with a better one," and having to take it back and replace it. Not only could that get confusing, it would give me the image of changing my mind too easily. So I'm going to 'bout a week? mull this name over. If by Monday of next week I still haven't come up with or heard a better name (I doubt I will), then I shall reveal it to you all. Have fun waiting. See you in a week!
Naturally, it's 10 points to he who can guess the name. You have one week. Don't hold your breath.
Here's a hint...kind of. Yep, I'm finally going to reveal to you the origins of the amazing concept behind my TC (not really). It all started somewhere in the Nova universe. A small significance to the actual plot whatsoever...but one that caught my attention. It was explained in a way that didn't make much sense to me. And so, subconsciously, my mind began thinking, Well, if that's not how it happened, how else could it possibly have happened?
Also subconsciously, my mind answered this question: Well, the obvious answer is that, if it's not as it's explained in EVN, then it must be like this ! "This," however, didn't make much more sense than "that" initially. So (again, subconsciously) I began developing an entire story based on how "this" could be possible. I'm actually still coming up with this explanation now, but it's pretty much done. It's all to do with...well, you'll see. The point is that the small detail I was originally trying to explain to myself has actually worked its way out of the story. There used to be an entire plot based on it, but that whole plot is now gone, replaced with more relevant plot twists.
The only real 'hint' -- or specific reference -- that I'm going to give you is this: the explanation of "this" is something I came up with called "Project Alpha." "This" also has something to do with the Hyperoids, but I know when this TC is released a lot of people will be saying, "Now, hang on a second, that's just dumb. There's no way that could be like that. How do you explain "this"?" And of course the answer will not be, "The Hyperoids," because their part won't answer that question. What will answer that question is Project Alpha. (And then everyone will say, "Ooohhhh I get it. That's kinda far-fetched, don't'cha think?" and I'll say, "HYPEROIDS!!" and they'll say, "Ah. Right. It's still pretty far-fetched, though.")
I hope I've left you with plenty to occupy your minds until my next post in one week. Likely half your brains have turned to mush by now anyway. Good luck; have fun guessing and speculating.
This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 07 May 2007 - 02:56 PM
Cows With Guns: Udder Destruction
I bet "Project Alpha" is the Federation's code-name for their experimental method to get solar milk out of the Hyperioids and use it to power starships! :laugh:
Or are they spreading Mad Hyperioid Disease throughout the Hyperioid polulation so they'll attack the Wraiths?
Oh, 'Bridge, you evil, evil person, you.
Alright, my guess:
Umm...EV: Outcast?
Other than that, I got nothin'.
@jacabyte, on May 7 2007, 04:11 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
The Epilogue?
@joshtigerheart, on May 7 2007, 05:47 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
I know! EV: Untitled
-2 points* for you. +2 points* because it made me chuckle.
@nil-kimas, on May 7 2007, 06:44 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Cows With Guns: Udder Destruction
Genius. +3 points* because it made me laugh out loud for 1.8 seconds. :laugh:
@warlord-mike, on May 7 2007, 07:22 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Oh, 'Bridge, you evil, evil person, you.
Alright, my guess:
Umm...EV: Outcast?
Other than that, I got nothin'.
+1 point* because you actually guessed. +2 more points* because you correctly identified me as an "evil, evil person". :rolleyes:
But no.
C'mon guys, is that all you've got? :huh:
New ePoints! Each ePoint is worth .000000000001 point*!! Collect them all!!!
**99.9% chance that your ePoint is actually worth 0 points. See participating retail stores for more details. It's conceivably possible that you could maybe have the chance to be entered to compete to win one hundred trillion points!! <_< Not really.
This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 09 May 2007 - 07:23 PM
Apocalypse? Revelation? Armageddon? Total Annihilation? Final Countdown? Prophecy? Foretelling? Oracle? Phenomenon? The End of All Things? The End? Thermopylae? Eschaton?
@crusader-alpha, on May 7 2007, 10:23 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Apocalypse? Revelation? Armageddon? Total Annihilation? Final Countdown? Prophecy? Foretelling? Oracle? Phenomenon? The End of All Things? The End? Thermopylae? Eschaton?
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Ye--oh. No.
Nice guesses. Mostly. If I decide by next Friday (you'll all have some time to convince me my name sucks) that I don't like the name, I'll consider some of these.
In the meantime, I'll raise the point value of correctly guessing to 12. These are real points, mind you. That ePoints crap was just so I could give you points because I felt like it, then take those points away because you hadn't really earned them.
@nil-kimas, on May 7 2007, 06:44 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Cows With Guns: Udder Destruction
Hahahaha...that still gets me....
This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 09 May 2007 - 07:23 PM
@crusader-alpha, on May 8 2007, 08:19 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Escape Velocity Power!
Wow. No.
Do I need to pull up a random word generator from the internet and use it to make a thousand guesses?
@crusader-alpha, on May 8 2007, 08:58 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Well... it wasn't really a guess, so to say.
Oh. I get it.
@jacabyte, on May 8 2007, 09:56 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Not quite.
@joshtigerheart, on May 8 2007, 11:19 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Do I need to pull up a random word generator from the internet and use it to make a thousand guesses?
That wouldn't help. The title is technically 5 words -- if you count "Escape" and "Velocity".
@albuminouslump, on May 9 2007, 12:13 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Escape Velocity: Omega?
Nope. But I did seriously consider titling my TC that a while ago, and it's not far off. This is by far the best guess yet.
@nil-kimas, on May 7 2007, 06:44 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Cows With Guns: Udder Destruction
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 09 May 2007 - 07:33 PM
@starbridge21, on May 9 2007, 05:29 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
But I did seriously consider titling my TC that a while ago, and it's not far off. This is by far the best guess yet.
How about Escape Velocity: Alpha and Omega?