EVNEW questions

BTW how to choose the ships status bar
like a rebel ship having a civilian status bar?
im using EVNEW

is there a other editor for Windows EVN??


im having probs with changing the ship's target pic, shipyard pic, shipyard desc, & escort desc
how can i change it?

This post has been edited by xrook : 27 March 2008 - 08:39 PM

@xrook, on Mar 27 2008, 07:34 AM, said in EVNEW questions:

BTW how to choose the ships status bar
like a rebel ship having a civilian status bar?
im using EVNEW

I answered that in your other question. To summarise, changing the Interface field in the gövt resource is probably the best method.


is there a other editor for Windows EVN??



im having probs with changing the ship's target pic, shipyard pic, shipyard desc, & escort desc
how can i change it?

You can't change the ID numbers themselves - those IDs are permanently linked with the shďp resource. What you can do is change the images located at those particular ID numbers.

what if theres a resource conflict?? cant i change it??

There will never be a resource conflict, unless the shďp resource itself is being changed, or you've accidentally put another resource in the wrong place. Each shďp resource points to a specific set of PICT and dësc resources. Since each shďp's resource ID is unique, so will the IDs of the PICT and dësc resources, since their IDs are linked to the shďp ID by a simple offset.

This post has been edited by Belthazar : 26 March 2008 - 04:57 PM

ok ive noticed that when i change the ships ID the other IDs change too

this is a different ship
but i think ive done something wrong as it isnt showing up on any shipyards
it doesnt have any requirements to unlock it.... the tech lvl is 1...... the government is -1

This post has been edited by xrook : 26 March 2008 - 05:16 PM

Have you set BuyRandom? 100 will make it always available.

made it buy random 100 instead of 30 and it still doesnt show up

i got whats the problem
ive gone over my head of using resource ID to make it compatible with pp18 and Arpia2
i didnt see that i was using the resource ID of the standard nova

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

is there an app. that would identify the resource conflicts??

This post has been edited by xrook : 26 March 2008 - 07:17 PM

i dont get it... i use a weap ID 299/999/777
changed the outfits mod type 1 weap ID to 299/999/777
changed the ship weap 1 ID to 299/999/777 with 2 counts of weap

and it doesnt show

but if change it to back to 263 it works

There's a maximum permissable wëap ID. For that matter, there's a maximum permissable ID for any resource type. If you use an ID number higher than that maximum, then your resource will not appear in the game. For example, 385 is the maximum ID for wëap resources, while 895 is the maximum for shďp resources. (Note that shďp ID 895 is always occupied by the escape pod, making 894 the effective maximum ID. If you try to override the escape pod with a normal ship, then Strange Things may happen.)

As for finding if there are any resource conflicts, there are no utilities that I know of. However, it is possible to download a list of all the resource numbers used in default Nova from the Addon pages.

@xrook, on Mar 26 2008, 05:27 PM, said in EVNEW questions:

ive gone over my head of using resource ID to make it compatible with pp18 and Arpia2

Part of your problem is that PP18 and Arpia2 aren't compatible with each other. If you're aiming towards an either/or compatibility situation with both plug-ins, then I'd use the highest ship ID out of both those plug-ins and offset by one for the ship you're trying to make.

then why isnt 299 weap ID isnt working
standard nove only uses weap ID from 129 to 234 and sometimes have ID gaps like 202-218 (tried ID 218 didnt work)

PP18 uses weap ID from 300 to 356
Apria uses weap ID from 236 to 263

im not putting apria and PP18 together im just making a ship plug in that makes it compatible for both PP18 & apria cuz if want to play arpia ill remove PP18 first or vise versa
so i can play my fave ship with both plugins

EDIT: whats the max ID no. for outfits?
how can i change the firing range of the weapon?

This post has been edited by xrook : 27 March 2008 - 02:26 PM

even better would be a EVNEW guide 😄

@xrook, on Mar 27 2008, 12:02 PM, said in EVNEW questions:

im not putting apria and PP18 together im just making a ship plug in that makes it compatible for both PP18 & apria cuz if want to play arpia ill remove PP18 first or vise versa
so i can play my fave ship with both plugins

That's exactly what I said. 🙂

@xrook, on Mar 27 2008, 12:02 PM, said in EVNEW questions:

EDIT: whats the max ID no. for outfits?

The max ID for the ouft resource is 639.

@xrook, on Mar 27 2008, 12:02 PM, said in EVNEW questions:

how can i change the firing range of the weapon?

The range of a weapon is equal to the product of a weapon's lifetime and its speed.

@xrook, on Mar 27 2008, 01:27 PM, said in EVNEW questions:

even better would be a EVNEW guide 😄

The readme is as good as it gets, I'm afraid.

but the read me doesnt say much 😞
does anyone know why is the weap isnt working when i use weap ID 218,299, 383??
but works when i change it back to 263?

This post has been edited by xrook : 27 March 2008 - 03:30 PM

Are you changing the ID of the weapon the outfit refers to when you change the ID of the weapon itself? If you change the weap ID to 383 but the ID the outfit refers to stays at 216, then it won't fire.

i also changed it the outfit and the ship to 383

NVM its fixed i just need to buy the same ship again

thx of the all the help

This post has been edited by xrook : 27 March 2008 - 04:02 PM

@xrook, on Mar 28 2008, 06:27 AM, said in EVNEW questions:

even better would be a EVNEW guide 😄

@jacabyte, on Mar 28 2008, 07:16 AM, said in EVNEW questions:

The readme is as good as it gets, I'm afraid.

The Readme, Jaca? The Readme? Try reading the Nova Bible - you'll find it in the Documentation folder within your Nova folder. That is a guide to making plugins in EVNEW. Or MC. Or ResEdit. Et cetera.

ok if i put 2000 speed and 130 life what would range be?

@xrook, on Mar 28 2008, 12:59 AM, said in EVNEW questions:

ok if i put 2000 speed and 130 life what would range be?

2,600 pixels

speed / 100 = pixels per frame movement.
so, (speed/100) * count = range

All this info is in the Nova Bible.

ok so... 2000(speed)/100 * 130(life) = range
correct me

BTW ive edited a rleD, imported it... 75x75 wight & height, X&Y frames 6x11, 64 frames.. everything is fine i played EV nova its all good. except it the laser shoots by boxes.. i dont get it the background is grey.... the same color when i exported it

EDIT: NVM i just needed a mask

This post has been edited by xrook : 28 March 2008 - 08:22 AM