Railguns 150mm and 200mm ID

for putting in ships in the "ship" resource.

1.What are the IDs for the railguns 150mm and 200mm? I am making a IDA Frigate warship mod (Because the IDA Frigate is my favorite ship 😛 ).
2.It has the default weapons as the IDA Frigate 1170, but it says that it has 2 Summer Blooms and 4 Autumn petals. (First plug I have made, and I didn't even need to read the Bible. Also almost not bugs!)
So can anyone tell me what is wrong with the Summer Bloom and the Autumn Petal replacing the Rail guns?
Picture of ship resource file or whatever it is called : Posted Image

This post has been edited by Hades : 09 March 2008 - 01:41 AM

@hades, on Mar 9 2008, 06:18 AM, said in Railguns 150mm and 200mm ID:

1.What are the IDs for the railguns 150mm and 200mm? I am making a IDA Frigate warship mod (Because the IDA Frigate is my favorite ship 😛 ).
2.It has the default weapons as the IDA Frigate 1170, but it says that it has 2 Summer Blooms and 4 Autumn petals. (First plug I have made, and I didn't even need to read the Bible. Also almost not bugs!)
So can anyone tell me what is wrong with the Summer Bloom and the Autumn Petal replacing the Rail guns?

Right off, your pic doesn't enlarge. Just goes to the imageshack homepage?

  1. 157 and 158 respectively
  2. Your screen shot doesn't say Summer Bloom or Autumn Petal anywhere. And none of the shown weap IDs refer to them.

You can find all the IDs in Nova Data 4.

... Not having to read the Nova Bible doesn't display your cleverness. Quite the opposite, in fact. I'd be surprised if you could find a single experienced plugin developer here who didn't at least consult the Nova Bible every once in a while. So don't get too surprised if things turn out funny if you're just doing things by guess-and-check.

On the original post: I don't understand quite what you're asking, but I think Desprez's answer is what you're looking for.

On the Nova Bible: I use it very rarely because I know a good deal from EVC and EVO developing, and for a while when I started doing EVN developing I couldn't find it, but since I have I do use it from time to time.

Well in game for some reason it has Summer Bloom and Autumn Petal.
Posted Image

This post has been edited by Hades : 09 March 2008 - 11:06 AM

That's odd. Those are Weapon ID's 172 and 173, which I don't see in your screenshot. And the outfit is Military IR jammer. Have you played through the Vell-os storyline with the pilot you're using?

No that is a new pilot. For some reason it keeps replacing the railguns with Powerful Uber weapons, and I don't want it to be a cheat plug.
Oh I know what is rong, I looked at Nova Data 4 last night at 12:00 and went to the ouft and not weapon and put 172 and 173 because in ouft that is what ID they are.
Smacks head But wait, since I changed it, shouldn't it go to railguns?

This post has been edited by Hades : 09 March 2008 - 11:20 AM

Autumn Petals don't even use ammo.

Now that I think of it, none of the things that you have listed as having 1 ammo (heavy blaster turret, quad light blaster turret, and railguns) use ammo. I think that's probably your problem. Set those to 0. Although I have no idea why setting the railgun to have 1 ammo will somehow change the railgun into vell-os weaponry.

It has that as default.
I have desc working, which is good. But it still has those Powerful Uber weapons.
OH now I know, something is overwriting it because it doesn't have the price I set.
It works now I think, just need to test.

This post has been edited by Hades : 09 March 2008 - 12:25 PM

I don't know what the price would have to do with it, but make sure that those ammo fields are set to zero, whether or not EVNEW sets them as 1. If EVNEW sets them as 1, EVNEW is wrong.

If you have (an)other plugin(s) loaded, I'd be willing to bet your problem has to do with them/it.

I don't know why it did that, but it is fixed now.
Okay, how do I make it to where you have to buy licenses?

This post has been edited by Hades : 09 March 2008 - 12:56 PM

Require bits. Have a look at the other IDA Frigates to see which ones they have set. On a side note, you'll also have to set Bit 1 in the Contribute field if you want your player to be able to buy outfits while flying your ship.

Already has the "one bit".

I bet it's a plugin conflict...

Check which bits you actually nneed. Check the contribute bits on ship ID 128 (the basic shuttle) as well as the various licences, and make a list of what they are so you know what require bits you want to select.

@belthazar, on Mar 9 2008, 06:02 AM, said in Railguns 150mm and 200mm ID:

I'd be surprised if you could find a single experienced plugin developer here who didn't at least consult the Nova Bible every once in a while.

Look upon me Belthazar, and experience true surprise! For I did not touch the Bible once in the making of Colosseum, or any of my other plug-ins.

@lnsu, on Mar 11 2008, 04:48 AM, said in Railguns 150mm and 200mm ID:

make a list of what they are so you know what require bits you want to select.

Been there, done that, made myself a handy-dandy copy-and-paste text file:

Bit 1: General outfit-blocking bit (i.e. the one which prevents players from purchasing most of the outfits while flying a Vell-os ship. Or, for that matter, a Wraith or Hyperioid.)
Bit 5: The "I'm flying a Leviathan" bit - allows missions only available to Leviathans
Bit 6: The "I'm flying a Pegasus" bit - ditto, albeit with a Pegasus.
Bit 7: The "I'm flying a Star Liner" bit
Bit 17: No idea - one of the Valk variants sets it, but it seems to have no effect.
Bit 31: The "I'm flying a Valk" bit - makes the Rebel and Pirate Valk upgrades available
Bit 32: The "I'm flying a Starbridge" bit - makes the Chrome Valk and Rebel and Pirate Starbridge upgrades available
Bit 33: The Heavy Weapons License bit
Bit 34: The Missile Weapons License bit
Bit 35: The Fighter Bay License bit
Bit 36: The Protective Technologies License bit
Bit 37: An Exotic Ships and Weapons License bit, but doesn't actually seem to do anything
Bit 38: As above
Bit 39: The Capital Ships License bit
Bit 40: The Capital Warships License bit
Bit 41: An Exotic Ships and Weapons License bit (allows Ion Cannon and Polaron Cannon)
Bit 42: The Illegal Weapons bit - gets set when you buy an illegal weapon, but it seems to have no effect.

On a side note, those are the bit names used by EVNEW. You'll have to translate if you want to apply it to the Mac. Suffice to say, the bit called Bit 1 is the least significant bit of the contribute string, so I'm sure you can figure it out from there.

@joshtigerheart, on Mar 11 2008, 06:18 AM, said in Railguns 150mm and 200mm ID:

Look upon me Belthazar, and experience true surprise! For I did not touch the Bible once in the making of Colosseum, or any of my other plug-ins.

I'm sorry, remind me again how long it's been since you started work on that plugin? 😛

Actually Josh, you did. If I'm not mistaken, you said you used MC, and the text that pops up when you hover your cursor over a field is mostly quoted from the Nova Bible.

Needless to say, it was impossible to create a plugin without having looked at the EV bible back before the days of the nifty plug-in editors. I even had a printed copy of it sitting next to my computer for a few years.

The nifty plug-in editors are great, by the way.

After finishing a few things on the plug, I will upload it.