EVC theme music

I need it

Does anyone have the theme music to EVC in some kind of format like .mp3 or .wav? This would be the music that plays at the main menu and I think when the game is loading up. I need it ASAP.


Download the Nova port and find it there.

I apologize for my ignorance, but what is the Nova port (at a guess I'm going to say it's the program that the developers here are using to make their plug-ins) and how would I go about using it to get the audio file?

Thanks again.

You can get the port on the Add-ons page. The theme song will be the only .mp3 in there.

@astronomerob, on Jan 22 2008, 12:37 PM, said in EVC theme music:

I apologize for my ignorance, but what is the Nova port (at a guess I'm going to say it's the program that the developers here are using to make their plug-ins)

To my understanding, he's talking about the Nova version of EVC (i.e. the Nova "port" of EVC).

Is this right? (I'm new to the forums terminology)
EVC = Escape Velocity Classic = "Escape Velocity" (the working title)

So we're calling the origional Escape Velocity "EVC" in order to not get the three games confused, correct? :huh:

Thats right EV wolf.

Download the EVN port of EVC, and get the music from there.

what exactly happened with the port? i'm a little out of touch. was it a success? and did it just port the stock game or add new features? (i.e. different AI behaviours, item values etc etc)

and most importantly... has anyone made plugs for it yet? and were THEY succesful ??


There are two types of port, "official" and Guy's.

The official ports was a good initial attempt, but because it wasn't entirely understood at the time how it all linked up, it's arguably not worth playing now.

Guy's ports are about as authentic as the Nova engine allows, and covers for adequate simulation.

In both cases, they're as true to the originals as possible -- no new features, etc.; the only difference is that Guy's are noticeably better refined and more accurate, because he had more information to work from on how to port it well. (Of course, he also discovered a large amount of this information himself; not trying to bash the level of his achievement.)

I've made a port of an old EV plugin for it, and intend to make more. I wouldn't be the best judge if I was successful or not, but it seems to be going okay so far. Guy's ports have taken on a lot of momentum, overall.

- Bob

This post has been edited by Consul Bob : 22 January 2008 - 11:47 PM