Question on Government Classes

(of course...)

I was wondering, what happens if say:
- Government A is in class 1 and 2.
- Government B is enemies with both classes 1 and 2.
- If I attack government A, will Government B like me twice as much? Or will Nova ignore it.
- Same goes with if they have multiple ally or enemy classes that contain the same government.

(I need it to ignore it, it would make things a lot simpler in my new plug, and it makes more sense)

Thanks! 🙂

EDIT: I just realized I don't use multiple classes with the same governments in them, but I guess it's always good to know what would have happened 😛 )

This post has been edited by EV Wolf : 15 January 2008 - 12:06 AM

Oh, this one would actually help:
- Government A is contained inside classes 1 and 2.
- Government B is in class 2.
- Government C is enemies with class 1, but not 2.
- I attack Govt. C, which obviously makes Govt. A angry, but will it make Govt. B angry? Will it's disposition change at all?

And am I correct about these different instances?

For the first question, I think Nova will only count it once.

For the second question, I'm going to assume Govt. B could care less about what happens to A. They may be in the same "class", but they're not allies. Class is just a method for grouping various governments together, so you could say dump all the "trader" govts into a class and then have a "Merchant Protection Association" that is allied with the class the merchants are in. The various types of traders won't help each other, but attack any of them and the protectors will rush in.

@joshtigerheart, on Jan 14 2008, 09:11 PM, said in Question on Government Classes:

Class is just a method for grouping various governments together, so you could say dump all the "trader" govts into a class and then have a "Merchant Protection Association" that is allied with the class the merchants are in. The various types of traders won't help each other, but attack any of them and the protectors will rush in.

Yay, thanks. That's exactly what I wanted to have happen. The only problem is that there aren't enough 'class', 'ally' and 'enemy' slots to accommodate what I'm looking for. Anyone know a way around this?