Moki time

Moki rocks! But I was just wondering what exactly is a short time cause it says : "For a short time this spell empowers..." and it seems to be lasting a looong time here (prob. longer than WoW). It's not a bug is it? cause I already saved it


No bug. Sounds like you're about to come down from the high.

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
(url="http://";=damselsV1.1.sit")Damsels in Distress(/url) - A plugin for PoG. (url="http://"")RD-DEL(/url)


Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
**No bug. Sounds like you're about to come down from the high.


wow tough come-down! This spell is great! I almost wish it took just as long for it to work again, though.


No worries, it does. 😄


If you go into a non-stock area(like DiD or WoC areas) then the moki timer doesn't work... You can be almost invincible indefinitely. 😉

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Seems like a bug that could be exploited in odd ways 😉 wink, wink, nudge,nudge 😄

some who did not know would ask "what is this way that gives him so much power?" and they were told "It is the way of Mrs. Marietta Cosmopilite, 3 quirm street, Ankh-Morpork, rooms to rent, very reasonable. No, we don't understand it, either. Some subsendential rubbish, apparently."

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Originally posted by moUSE EE loiDE UZI:
Seems like a bug that could be exploited in odd ways


(url="http://"")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"")Spells Expander(/url)
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I like Pandora's box much better than Moki.


if you go moki, save & quit, restart with spells expander off, save, restart with expander on, you can replay the spells expander plug but your stamina stays at moki level. my conjurer has a stamina level of over 2500. once you get the moki tome again, you can go moki-moki.

"That which does not kill me makes me stronger." - Nietzsche

(I thought I posted in this topic when it was started, but I don't know what happened to that post)

Don't forget that moki only quits when you are on maps that are part of trinity, SE, or standard PoG. This is because it runs on a Timer Script, which only continues counting down when you are on maps set by the author of the plugin. However, you can use this to your advantage. (HINT)Ice cave, Rock Island temple(/HINT) 😉

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How are you gentlemen!! (url="http://"")All your base are belong to us!(/url) You are on ze way to destruction. You will have no chance to survive make your time...Mwa ha ha ha...
-ZeroWing CATS, (url="http://"")All your Base(/url)

That can also be a bad thing--I cast Wizard of War in a WoC map, and then found the place where I use the magical axe (well, there could be more then one, I barely played that plugin)--and you can't equip other items when you're Wizard of War. I waited for a loooong time before realizing that wouldn't wear off.. it was very annoying.

They say that if you play a Windows Install CD backwords, you hear satanic messages. That's nothing; play it forward and it installs Windows.
--thanks to TBobMac