Infinitely Improbable


Has anyone ever created a "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" plug-in for EV?

It would be seriously easy! Everything is already done for you especially since the movie filled in all the designs for space ships.

Start as Ford Prefect near Betelgeuse, run a mission to get a job writing for the book and a bunch of little smaller missions relating to the book to build up cash, go to Earth, save Arthur dent from the incoming Vogons, meet up with Zaphod Beeblebrox (one of my favorite names for my own pilots btw) in the Heart of Gold, use the infinite improbability drive and so on and so on.

Sounds like alot of fun to me!

Well there is a plug in called heart of gold that adds the HOG ship and some outfits like the guide itself but it adds no missions and only one system IIRC.

This occurred to me, too. The trouble is, the movie only showed three ships: the Heart of Gold , the Vogon construction ships, and the Heart of Gold's shuttle. There's dozens more ships in the books, of course, but Douglas Adams didn't describe them clearly enough to make it simple. (He didn't even tell us what the Heart of Gold looked like.)

One of the ships he did describe would be a total pain in the ass for a developer -- the black ship of the band Disaster Area. It was utterly black, both inside and out. Whenever you did something with the black controls, a little black light turned on to indicate it. This would be a pain in the ass to design because you wouldn't be able to see it unless you passed over a star, planet, or another ship.

Building a TC is actually very difficult, especially with something as surreal as The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Call it an improbability factor of 88 billion to one against.

This post has been edited by StarSword : 25 November 2007 - 12:38 PM

Have you seen the old hitchhikers guide movie? I think the heart of gold design in that movie is far truer to the book. Anyway, where there are no ship descriptions, we make our own. as long as you try to stay true to the books theme, they should look like they belong. About the Disaster area ship, What you do is, make it totally black, but slightly reflective at the edges, so you can see where it ends, and you have a engine glow and running lights. I think it would be very cool. (and the fact you can't see anything is part of the fun, so the everything on the sidebar would also be black,)

I think It would be a great idea, and I would certainly help. I've always thought it would be fun to make a funny TC.

and Douglas Adams DOES give a description of the Heart Of Gold. He called it a sleek running shoe, that was completely white.

If you decide to do it, PM me. I'll help anyway I can.

@yamfries, on Nov 25 2007, 02:30 PM, said in Infinitely Improbable:

and Douglas Adams DOES give a description of the Heart Of Gold. He called it a sleek running shoe, that was completely white.

My mistake. It's been a while since I read it.

I tried making an Improbability Drive a while back; basically, you activated it and improbably got a random ship. When I put it in the Plugs Folder and loaded the game, it always crashed. I gave up.

This would be very cool if you pulled it off. You should try it for sure.

I loved those books and the old 1980s tv series/movie had like 6 or 7 episodes and was much better than the latest movie. I think it woud be great for a plugin but prolly not expansive enough for a TC.

This post has been edited by Lostpinky : 25 November 2007 - 10:22 PM

Some good points have been made here, but I should clear it up that I have NO plans of making any plug-ins. I have plenty on my plate with college and the animation movie 😞