I need a small bit of graphics help for AG

Complete my TC!

As GSN sits and waits for his beta testers to get done beta testing AG, he suddenly remembers the one thing he forgot to do. A new menu screen. Unfortunately, GSN does not have the m4d l33t sk1llz to do this project. So, in the interests of Ashen Galaxy and Great Justice, GSN requests that some graphics god make him a menu screen for AG. You will probably at least want to poke through the plug, so whoever gets picked (or, more likely, whoever signs up) will get access to the beta. And if you should want to l33tify the loading screen as well, GSN would not be opposed.

I don't have any real experience with either, but I'd be willing to at least try, if only to get my hands on the beta. So I'm available, if you need a last resort.

GSN bumps this topic for great justice and waits for his beta testers to finish beta testing.