Terraforming missions

New to developing plugins

Like the title says, I am knew to developing plugs and started a (small) string that lets you set up colonies in some abandoned outposts (LPAD, maybe a Polaris listening post, etc.). I tried searching but could not find anything helpful, so a walkthrough on how to do it would be great. I am using Mission Computer X.

Thanks in advance.

This post has been edited by gavin83209 : 26 October 2007 - 08:58 PM

You have to specify (in further detail) what exactly you're having trouble with.

My apologies. Specifically, I am having trouble finding out how to replace the spob or system. I can create both of those well enough to make it playable, but the crons and misns are somewhat confusing.

For the spobs, you can put control bit expressions in the descs which'll let you control the textual 'appearance' of each place.

For the systems, you need to create a duplicate system, with all the values exactly the same (except for whatever you want to change). Then, you can set the 'Visible On' field for each syst so that one syst is active if this , and the other is active if that , so that only one system appears at a time.

A cron is basically a timer: you start it, and after its delay expires, it activates something or sets a control bit.

This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 26 October 2007 - 10:42 PM