Trinity on Windows

My POG does not have a "Plug-ins" folder. Where do I put the folder?

Wish I had my Mac back.

Hi FrustratedMacster. Welcome to the PoG forum. It's got to be there somewhere, but you should be able to just make a folder named "Plugins" (note: no hyphen) and place it in the PoG folder. Then place any plugins you want to use inside that. Make sure you put just the plugin in the Plugins folder and not the downloaded folder which often also contains a Read-me and perhaps a version history. The plugin, itself, should contain only four things: a Data001.dat file and three folders for Music, Movies, and Sounds. Good luck with your game. ~RD

Edit: There is one other file the Plugins folder should contain besides the plugins themselves. It is called "Plugin data.txt" See if you can find it. If a search doesn't turn up with this file, I could send it to you by email. It's only 12K.
My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
(url="http://";=damselsV1.1.sit")Damsels in Distress(/url) - A plugin for PoG. (url="http://"")RD-DEL(/url)

(This message has been edited by Rubber Ducky (edited 01-31-2004).)

Found it, thanks! I was looking in the demo folder, not the full version folder.

Great game! I suppose I should consider myself lucky Apeiron, Barrack, Maelstrom, Swoop, Harry the Handsome Executive and Mars Rising haven't been converted to PC. I mean, between this game and the EV games, I am spending tremendous amounts of time playing. Add som eof the other games to the mix and I'd never sleep or see my family...


Wish I had my Mac back.

(quote)Originally posted by FrustratedMacster:
**Found it, thanks! I was looking in the demo folder, not the full version folder.

Great game! I suppose I should consider myself lucky Apeiron, Barrack, Maelstrom, Swoop, Harry the Handsome Executive and Mars Rising haven't been converted to PC. I mean, between this game and the EV games, I am spending tremendous amounts of time playing. Add som eof the other games to the mix and I'd never sleep or see my family...

😉 Redline could follow soon after.

(url="http://"")Ambrosia Members Tonight!(/url) | (url="http://"")The Moderator Song(/url) / (url="http://"")EVula(/url) / (url="http://"")The real
Jingle Bells, Windoze smells, (url="http://"")The Blue Mushroom Pub(/url) rocks (all 25+ pages worth)!
How are you gentlemen!! (url="http://"")All your base are belong to us!(/url) You are on ze way to destruction. You will have no chance to survive make your time...Mwa ha ha ha...
-ZeroWing CATS, (url="http://"")All your Base(/url)

I think Maelstom is already out for PC (though not converted by Ambrosia). I would tell you where but I don't want you to lose sleep (that and I cant remember)

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