EV Inspired Renders

Eye Candy

Digging through an old hard drive, I found some more 1997 work and rendered it.

I thought you all might like to see.

Also, if anybody else has any renders to share, please post them!

Here we go:

You might remember this guy

Attached File aliencrusier.jpg (10.77K)
Number of downloads: 24

His big sister

Attached File alienmatriarch.jpg (11.18K)
Number of downloads: 26

A cargo run to a barren world

Attached File cargofleet.jpg (25.77K)
Number of downloads: 40

One of my favorite ships from EVC

Attached File rebeldestroyer.jpg (11.88K)
Number of downloads: 28

A sub-orbital bombardment seen from below

Attached File ConfedsDoSomethingMean.jpg (23.39K)
Number of downloads: 36

Thats it for now



One of my favorite ships from EVC

I agree whole-heartedly. I loved the Rebel Destroyer, and would always work my way up to a Kestrel, sit around that one independent system (Beeblebrox rings a bell, or something to that effect) and would wait for a Confed/Rebel fight. I would nudge it a little sometimes, just to get them both disabled, so I could try to the 5-10% chance of capturing a Rebel Destroyer.

Verra nice. I like the bombing-as-seen-from-below thing.

I really like the bombardment one and your Rebel Destroyer is very cool as well. I was disappointed in the one I finally captured when I was playing the game... I don't remember being able to get it to go fast enough to outrun torpedoes without a lot of work and was always able to overwhelm them with my kestrel easily enough, so, I just stuck to my trusty gray bird.