Adding Outfits to AI Ships

What has what affects?

I was wondering if anybody knew off the top of their head whether or not applying an armor outfit to a ship will have any affect on the AI-controlled version of the ship. Normally I'd just increase the armor on this particular variant, but I'm keeping in mind player-captured ships as well, so having the armor as an outfit would keep it from being overpowered by the player by capturing it and adding additional layers of armor. Especially since it (we're talking about the Myrmidon again) has relatively weak armor unless the player has happened to unlock a certain type of armor upgrade 😉


Try giving it both the outfits and the increased armor and OnCapture grant a new invisible outfit with negates the increased armor.

This post has been edited by Guy : 30 August 2007 - 01:42 AM

Smart man!

If I remember rightly though, OnCapture is set whether the ship is used as an escort or a player ship, so you could end up basically giving the player 0 armor if they used it as an escort.

But, I can just do an invisible mission that only appears if player has ship type Y grants an outfit with -3x armor and 3 of the applications of armor simultaneously.