Graphics Question

EV/O Pics compatible in Nova?

Howdy everyone,

• I am more familiar with graphics handling in EV/O series than in EVN. Can EVN accept and use EV/O graphics "as-is" or do they need to be modified to work? If so, how easy or difficult is that process?

- Trinix

More than likely they'll be fine. That's all I'll say.

They all probably work. Try it out in a sample plug. If it doesn't work try copying-and-pasting into a photoshop or gimp or something document and save as a TIFF. Then use MC to create the pict and say Import from File.

Thanks, I'll give it a shot.

PICTs work for certain, though some, such as outfitters, will get stretched and won't look as good.

Isn't stretching caused more by the size of the image than the type?

How would the Nova preferred style of graphics handling compete with a plugin with the older EV/O styles?

For example, if I create a plugin with a shuttle (Pict) from EVO, will that override (no pun intended) the shuttle from EVN?

My attempts have been futile, as the Borg would say. I don't suppose anyone could assist by creating a plugin that uses the shuttle graphics from EVO to replace the shuttle graphics in EVN? It would show me what I keep doing wrong. If you need the EVO graphics, I have it.

Why don't you just use the already converted graphics from the EVO TC?

Gee, that's a tough one. Maybe you could try using the same ID as the shuttle pic in Nova?
You could also try referring to the Resource ID Guide or running the graphics file through SpacePort which will re-ID things as necessary.
As has been mentioned, shipyard and outfitter pics will be scaled up to fit as the EV/O pics are only half the dimensions of the Nova ones. There will be no problems with the format of the PICTs when running Mac Nova. Is is possible, but highly unlikely, that some of the PICTs won't work in Windows Nova.

(edit) Wait, I guess you're talking about sprites. In that case, do what Josh said.

This post has been edited by Guy : 20 October 2009 - 04:39 AM

PICT sprites won't override RLEs, even when the picts are in a plug-in, IIRC.

I was using the shuttle in EVO for simplistic scenario reasons. I know Guy has ports that those pics have already been updated to Nova. So, I need to get the PICT sprites converted to RLEs? Anyone know how easy or difficult that is 2-do? 🙂

Sure, you've got three options here. MissionComputer's MakeRLE utility is great, though will only do one at a time. NovaTools' EnRLE does batch processing but produces sprites that may have issues with transparency/colouring. orca's EnRLE II does batch processing without that issue but cannot dither very nicely.

Thanks. I'll try it out.

It worked, I just want to say thanks for all the help you guys have given me. Much appreciated. And now... I must get back to MC4 work... Muahahaha!!!! 😉

No really, I am working on something to give back to the community. Give me 5 years, lol, jk, maybe... 😄