Water Colored TC

A little taste of wet paint...

With all the unfinished TCs in the works, and people complaining how hard they are to make for Nova, I went ahead and gave my own a shot. Three weeks later (and a bit of free time), this is what I have. Before some one blurts out that I will never finish it, it's already halfway done, (by my best guess πŸ˜‰ ) This TC will not have many missions, a few cargo runs at the most. I wanted a TC were you could just fly around and blow stuff up, and maybe a few trade runs here and there. Not really any storyline, just conglomerates from the depths of my imagination. Includes a small universe with a few pirates and aliens. Not really any governments to speak of, mainly because I find them difficult to set. I have no idea when I may actually finish this little project. May be next week or next month. My free time has dwindled lately, so the rest of the progress may be slow, but donΒ’t worry it will be finished. Here's a little preview of my work:

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I only used EVNEW, MS paint, and SpinApp4 for this project. Hence the water color looks. πŸ˜› I originally planed not to tell anyone about this project, and have it mainly for my own enjoyment, but it just looks too darn fun.

Just wait and watch from here on out. πŸ˜‰

Amusing πŸ™‚