EV Override for Nova

new release

I have just uploaded a new version of my port of EV Override for Nova :). Get it here. Changes include an important fix for windows users and an extra feature or two which you can find out when you download it ;). I'll also post here some additional changes I didn't feel needed mentioning in the Read Me: Fixed Warp Up.x2 sound (which worked fine in Nova but QuickTime didn't seem to like it), EnRLEd all spobs, ReRLEd all existing RLEs using the spanky new EnRLE II, removed some unnecessary resources.

If you can, please test this out (and comment on it!) so I can be sure I haven't broken anything before submitting to the addons. Thanks to all in advance 🙂

(EDIT): While we're on the topic of Override I'll take the opportunity to demonstrate my new trick. This is an alternate version of a well-known mission from the Igadzra string. See if you can guess how it works before looking at the data, there is a small giveaway in-game which I couldn't hide.
(EDIT2): This plug is now available as part of the EVO Extras package from my site (see sig).

This post has been edited by Guy : 13 May 2008 - 12:00 AM

Does it work with Dr. Trowel's Nova port of the ColdFusion graphics?

@nil-kimas, on Feb 6 2007, 04:56 PM, said in EV Override for Nova:

Does it work with Dr. Trowel's Nova port of the ColdFusion graphics?

Mostly. You have to point the planet spins back to the prettier CF planet graphics, but other than that everything appears to have just worked.

@guy, on Feb 6 2007, 10:22 AM, said in EV Override for Nova:

While we're on the topic of Override I'll take the opportunity to demonstrate my new trick. This is an alternate version of a well-known mission from the Igadzra string. See if you can guess how it works before looking at the data, there is a small giveaway in-game which I couldn't hide.

I like it. 🙂 (I admit, I just looked at the data.) At last, a version of that mission which isn't utterly bewildering! 😄

I somehow need to add 6 hours to the day.

Noticed a few descs contain bad characters which are visible in WinNova so there's one thing to fix before submitting.

I'm wondering if maybe the fixes should just be part of the main data rather than in a separate plug. Where's the button to add a poll to a topic? Oh, and if anyone else knows of anything else in the original EVO that might need 'fixing' then let me know.

This post has been edited by Guy : 10 February 2007 - 12:31 AM

I recommend just correcting the dëscs in the main data for release to the Add-ons page. It's easier for the users that way. Then you won't forever be getting, "Hey, the text's all messed up!" and having to answer, "Oh, you need the fix plug here." with here usually being the link for the fix.

This post has been edited by CaptJosh : 11 February 2007 - 09:26 PM

Oh I didn't mean the desc fix would go in the Fixes plugin, that'll definitely be a part of the main data. The Fixes plugin is to fix a few minor scenario problems present in the original game (all confirmed by pac) and is included in the download anyway. The question is whether these fixes should just be included in the main data or not. The only reason not to would be to keep it 'pure' to the original game, though I think the only fix of any significance is the Emalgha turret/bind spot one (but how many player's use Emalgha stuff anyway?).

I seem to recall having one of those just for helping to smash Voinian armor at one point, but I think I gave up on it because other weapons are just so much faster and hit harder overall.

Okay, well since no one responded to the question of whether the fixes should be part of the main data files or not I decided to just make the Fixes plug a data file instead of a plugin - the original data is still intact but you no longer have a Fixes plug cluttering up the plugins folder. So I've uploaded a slightly new version (same link or available from link in sig, just make sure you delete the old EVO Fixes plugin from the last release). Changes are:
Fixes to descs as mentioned above.
Emalgha turret fix no longer modifies the disco machine gun, so the game now reflects EVO 1.0.1 in this department (disco bison has no weak spot ;)).
Fixes are no longer in a separate plug, so if you've already installed the fix plug from the last one I uploaded you'll need to delete it.

(edit) fixed lies

This post has been edited by Guy : 25 February 2007 - 04:55 PM

Well since everyone agrees that the port is pretty slow I've put together a quick speed doubler plug to see if everyone would prefer it to be this fast. Personally I think it's a bit too fast when comes to battles in the crescent but let's see what everyone else thinks.

Adjusting the speed actually isn't all that simple. The speed the port is now is what you get from the most direct conversion (ie, the least adjusting of values). Increasing the speed means multiplying or dividing many values by some factor. If the values are very small (like some weapon reload times) and the result of the calculation is not an integer then it may have a noticeable impact on in-game behaviour. For this reason I've been very unwilling to choose an in-between speed such as 1.5x but I may look into it further sometime.

(edit) Removed. EVO is now 1.5x 🙂

This post has been edited by Guy : 02 August 2007 - 05:07 AM

@guy, on Apr 14 2007, 06:35 PM, said in EV Override for Nova:

Well since everyone agrees that the port is pretty slow I've put together a quick speed doubler plug to see if everyone would prefer it to be this fast. Personally I think it's a bit too fast when comes to battles in the crescent but let's see what everyone else thinks.

I found it much more enjoyable, overall, than the existing port.

Now, the speeds aren't quite "fine-tuned" -- it plays rather rapidly; the Shuttle turns about as fast as an Azdara would, when I played standard EVO. But it's still far better than what there was, in my opinion.

Plays rather rapidly? No kidding. You wanted it twice as fast, you got it twice as fast :p. It's equivalent to playing with caps-lock on previously (though caps behaviour may be dependent on your computer). Ships turn exactly twice as fast as they did previously. Some weapons or outfits may need fine-tuning (the plug is just for demonstration) but for ships it's a simple matter of doubling speed and turn and quadrupling accel (yes, quadrupling is necessary to maintain accurate relative speed).

This post has been edited by Guy : 15 April 2007 - 06:32 PM