difficulty level

I'm stuck in the Ghost Swamp wher we have to fight some demon (one of the first missions). I bought the best armor and weapons, stacked up on potions and STILL keep getting killed in it and on my way TO the swamp. I'm used to more text based RPG and the fighting seems really hard for me in this game (I'm a wimp ;-)) I find the game really cool but hard is there any way to control difficulty level and are there cheats available?

Please Please Please any help would be cool, I wanna get on with the adventure! Thanx



Hello davely

1. I would suggest having at least 50 hit points (HP), if not more, before venturing towards the Ghost Swamp. A good tactic is to block with your shield then swing. If you listen, then you can hear the creature attack, with an interval. If you block the attack, you should be able to get 1 or 2 (or even 3) swings in before the next attack.

A sword and shield would be a good idea, or a good bow (death from afar that way). Either way, remember that there is no dishonor in running away to take potions to then resume the fight with better health. Consider it the PoG Monty Python Maneuver.

2. There is no way to control the difficulty, but there are a few cheats. They can be found (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/games/pog/addons.html")here(/url). Gold is the only one that comes to mind, but I don't use cheat plugins that much. You press a key, and get 1000 gold pieces for each time you press it.

Lit Nerd

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A Kingdome for a Stage, Princes to Act,
And Monarchs to behold the swelling Scene." Henry V

If you are a ranger/mage (first get the Spells Expander plugin if you don't have it), use your spells or potions to kill the Death Knight. Remember that you will meet tougher Death Knights later.

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Originally posted by davely:
**I'm stuck in the Ghost Swamp

Hi davely. Welcome to the boards. Ghost Swamp, as the name indicates, is filled with the undead Zombies. Getting protection against these is important. Later, when you are much stronger, this protection is less needed because you can take them out before they get you. But for now, go to Berglum and buy the Holy Cloak which will give you better protection than the armor you are wearing. Put it on as you reach the Swamp and switch back to your armor when you leave. The best route into the swamp is from the square to the west rather than the southern approach because you avoid the Wyrms and have only Kobolds to fight. Good luck with your game. ~RD

Edit: When I'm starting a new game I usually put this quest off for a bit while I build up my character's strength and stamina by leveling up. It's a long game. Don't be in too much of a hurry to get all the quests done. Explore the territory. Find the Pink Termite Resort (south of the big bridge on the west bank) and stay there five times. As a result you will increase your stamina with a rigorous training session with Sandy at the beach. Remember to save before you enter unknown areas and come back to them later if they prove to be too hard now.
My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/rduck/")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
(url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl/damsels.sit?path=pog/addons&file;=damselsV1.1.sit")Damsels in Distress(/url) - A plugin for PoG. (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/rduck/RD-DEL.jpg")RD-DEL(/url)

(This message has been edited by Rubber Ducky (edited 12-15-2003).)

I was on Lv. 16 or something, when I completed that quest, I also had 97 healing potions.It was very, very easy.Just go to that cave, not to that temple (like I did).The Temple has Revenant Zomies, and one Medusa.I went there first, and got the Divine Lamp(which wasn't easy).But I think you shouldn't try that before you either are in high level or with lots potions.

Oh, and I was playing as Conjuror then, but I didn't use any spells in that cave , I used Sanctuary with Demolish in the temple , but I didn't help much.

Good luck!

Karel Johannes Kaurila