I cannot figure this out

Outfit button problem

The "buy" button in my outfit area is not appearing. I've checked the DITL and the button is there, but it fails to show up in-game. It still works; if I click where it should be I can still buy the outfit, but it's not loading the button image or the text. I am really confused as to why this is. The best explanation that I can think of is that there is something wrong with the user item in the DITL that is supposed to be the outfit button, but I can't tell how the game recognizes which user item is which area in the dialog, for instance, how it places buttons where some user items are and descriptions where others are. I suppose there could be another explanation to explain this problem but I'm not knowledgable enough to know what it is.

Have you made any custom modifications to your nova data files? or the EV Nova application file?
What plugs are you using?

@crusader-alpha, on Jun 14 2006, 06:23 PM, said in I cannot figure this out:

The "buy" button in my outfit area is not appearing. I've checked the DITL and the button is there, but it fails to show up in-game. It still works; if I click where it should be I can still buy the outfit, but it's not loading the button image or the text. I am really confused as to why this is. The best explanation that I can think of is that there is something wrong with the user item in the DITL that is supposed to be the outfit button, but I can't tell how the game recognizes which user item is which area in the dialog, for instance, how it places buttons where some user items are and descriptions where others are. I suppose there could be another explanation to explain this problem but I'm not knowledgable enough to know what it is.

Maybe just try re-copying the DITL from the EVN application, try to see if it works, then re-arrange it to how you had it before, and try to see again

No custom modifications to the EVN application, no plugs, but I've replaced the Nova Files. It's some problem in my modifications there: I've played with the DITL's for the Spaceport and the Trading Center but they're working fine. I copied the outfit DITL and DLOG resources from a separate copy of the EVN application that runs as usual, and it still fails to work.

Initially I thought that it may be because the outfitting is in fact a scrap dealer (that buys most everything you have but doesn't sell anything), but it's obviously not the case. I'm out of ideas on this one. Try to change things until it works.

All items are controlled by an index number which you can see by activating some menu item somewhere. Do NOT cut/copy/paste/delete/create items. Copy the original DITL again and then MOVE the items to the size and position you want them.

I've only cut and pasted. Index number, menu item. Checking.

I haven't found any index number activated by any menu item that I can find on Mission Computer, NovaTools or EVONE. I've checked the STR#'s and the "buy" string still shows up. It's not a problem with the DITL or DLOG because I reverted to the originals and the button is still not appearing. All other buttons appear just fine, and the debuglog says "initializing buttons" without any sort of error message. If it is an error with the PICT resource than I have no idea how it's working, but I doubt that is the case anyway, because there is no way that I know of to mask buttons. I'm not sure exactly what the "enabled" checkbox in the DITL does but it doesn't appear to change whether or not the button appears.


That might be it. 1.0.9 has a bug where some PICTs don't show up. It's very possible your PICT is suffering from this.

Wait, I forget - was it determined that the 1.0.9 PICT disappearing and red-tinting bugs did not affect buttons?

This post has been edited by orcaloverbri9 : 18 June 2006 - 10:15 PM

@crusader-alpha, on Jun 19 2006, 06:26 AM, said in I cannot figure this out:

because there is no way that I know of to mask buttons.

In that case you had better look at my guide.

This post has been edited by Guy : 18 June 2006 - 10:47 PM

@guy, on Jun 18 2006, 04:45 PM, said in I cannot figure this out:

In that case you had better look at my guide.


Sorry, fixed now

Ah I see. I worded that wrongly, I apologize. I intended "mask" as "hide", and in an individual case. As in, if it were possible, a person could cause a certain button— say, the buy button in the outfit screen— to not appear, ever, while the rest of the buttons functioned as normal. I see it is possible to mask all buttons at once, but I was using the term "mask" in the wrong way, even though it was close.

Well if you've reverted the DITLs and the only other resources you've changed are the picts then they must be the problem. Make sure they're all 16-bit with no transparency.

(you can "hide" a button by simply moving it out of the visible area of the dialog)

I'll figure it out eventually.

That guide is extremely useful by the way.

Thanks, it's always good to get feedback 🙂

Does the shortcut key for the button still work? is it just that the btton is not visible, or can you actually not purchase anything?

The button just isn't visible. It works fine.

try a fresh install, it sounds to me like you just overwrote something without realizing it, and now you can't find it to fix it.