Dogfighter Elite

No, it's not dead.

You may or may not remember this, but a while back I posted a thread about a plug-in I was working on called Dogfighter Elite, which was basically a plug based aroung dogfighting in fighters. I ran into a bug in development, oh, about a month or two ago maybe, and I went looking for help on the message boards. The bug involved the game crashing when you took off from a planet on which you had visited an outfitter. No one could figure out what was wrong, so the project died. A few weeks ago, I was standing in the shower thinking about how cool it would've been had the bug been fixed and I could actually finish the project, when it hit me. I knew how to fix the bug. So, I fired up Mission Computer, did a little bit of adjustments (okay, maybe a lot of adjustments), fired up the game to test in out, and whammo! It worked. So now I'm all excited. You can see a little list of what the plug will entail at my tripod site thing, here.

What was the problem?

There were a bunch of filler outfits with a random factor of zero, to prevent outfits from standard Nova from appearing in the outfitters. They were all weapon outfits, but they didn't point to any weapon resource. The game didn't like this, I guess, so it caused it to crash. I changed all these filler outfits to asteroid scoops, and now it works fine.

Why did they have to be anything?
You can just have the ModType set to -1 (unused)