Question about changing ship stats

Hi, I have never made a plugin before, I have EvNew and I've read the Nova Bible (or at least skimmed over it), and I have EVN 1.0.9 for Windows. I noticed that certain ships take forever to blow up once they're out of health and I was planning on making a plugin to fix that.

The only thing is: I don't know how you change an existing ships stats.

Note: the ships I'm planning to change are Pegasi and other large ships like that.

I would appreciate any responses to my fairly noobish question. 🙂

Cus all I need to change is the Death delay, but I don't know how to change an existing ships stats.

Fire up EVNew, open Nova Data 1, find the shďp resource you want, hit edit, and change the number in the Death Delay field. Just remember that it's in seconds, not frames (I think).


Don't edit your Nova Data files without making a copy first, in case something gets messed up. You could make a plug-in and copy the Pegasus resource in, though.

@yellow, on Apr 6 2006, 12:00 AM, said in Question about changing ship stats:

Just remember that it's in seconds, not frames (I think).

Sorry, I think it is in frames. A delay of "1" looks too much like a delay of "10" for it to be seconds.

Besides, when was the last time you saw a Leviathan take over four minutes to die?

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 14 April 2006 - 07:50 AM

to be a little more specific, if you're using evnew, open it up, load up nova data 1, then open up a second evnew window...copy the ship resource you want(ie. pegasus), then change the stats in there.

change whatever other ships you want by copying them into your new plug, and your nova will read your plug's info for the ship instead of what nova data 1 says

(edit) its always a good idea to make a copy of your nova files folder, and put it somewhere safe..i just burned mine to a cd, so if you ever screw something up w/ your original files accidentally, you can fix it easily (/edit)

This post has been edited by Mythran : 14 April 2006 - 11:21 AM

Yes, better safe than sorry. Personnally I prefer to lock my data files and work only in plug-ins, for one reason: you might end up wanting to distribute your modifications to someone else (be it a full plug-in to the add-on files or just some resources for a friend who'd like the game modified the same way as you modified yours). And if you took care to put your modifications in a separate file from the beginning, you'll then be glad you did.