Sizing Ship Sprites

Where are the @!%ing spďns?

OK, I'm a newbie at EVN editing. I have one simple question: How do I resize a ship's sprite? I gather from the EVN Bible that you use the spďn resource for this, but I can't find the ship spďns anywhere. BTW what I'm trying to do is make a small fighter with the Abomination sprite set, all I want to do is make the sprite smaller.


Mac or PC? On a mac you'll need to DeRLE the sprite to turn it into PICTs (check the links topic for w00tware). Give them unique IDs and then you can simply use your own shan (ships use shans, not spins) and tell it what size you want it to be. This will work, however it would be better to scale the picts down to the size you want and then EnRLE them back again.

I'm on a Mac. I dowloaded DeRLE and converted the sprites, but I'm unsure as to how I should size them down since they are in large sheets. What should I use to open them? ResEdit won't let me do much to them.

P.S. I know that ships use shäns, but the Nova Bible said that the spďn is used to control the sprite's scale.

You'll need to copy the picts into an editing program, such as Graphic Converter.
Shans are like glorified spins - they contain all the same info plus loads more.

Also, don't forget to keep track of the ship's original sprite size, and then the new one, or you'll get errors.

You should be able to downsize the entire sheet at one go, if I remember this correctly (it's been ages since I dealt with graphics in EVN). Just tell EVN that the ships are half the size of what they were before; it partitions the sheet into a grid based on the provided sizes and extracts each frame of the animation that way.

Be extremely cautious with the ship glow animations, as they sometimes have funky size values that you'll need to change correspondingly. Take a look at my Minicore Plug, and you'll see what I mean if you look closely at the engine glow in-game. What the hell??