Missile Volleys

If I wanted to make a volley of, say Raven rockets, how would I do it?

From what I can tell, it could be done easily enough by having multiple launchers with a really high reload time, or by having a launcher with high reload that fires in bursts.

And by volley I mean launching like 5 missiles in a row really fast. Like SAM launchers.

Help? Ideas? Or are all my questions answerable via the Bible (which I don't have access to at the moment)?

You can have launchers that have the "multiple weapons fire simultaeneously" flag checked. Or, if you want a single launcher to fires multiple rockets at a time, make a weapon that has a count of one and subs into multiple raven rockets. Just make sure it doesn't have the "shot detonates upon decay" flag checked, or you'll get an explosion right on top of your ship every time you fire. 😄

EDIT: Actually, from what your describing, you need to use a burst reload. Give the weapon a fast reload, but a burst count of 5 or however many rockets you want a "volley" to be, and a long burst reload.

This post has been edited by The CrimpMaster : 31 March 2006 - 06:52 PM

@yellow, on Mar 31 2006, 09:27 PM, said in Missile Volleys:

From what I can tell, it could be done easily enough by having multiple launchers with a really high reload time, or by having a launcher with high reload that fires in bursts.

Er, I think you want a really low reload time, as lower is faster.

And yes, you can use 0 to make it fire every frame if you want.

I beileve you're looking for something like a reload of 5, combined with a burst count of 5, and a burst reload of 120. Something like that.

Yeah, I was thinking of burst reload. Thanks guys.

I could have probably figured this out by opening up EVNew, but I just wanted to make sure.

@desprez, on Mar 31 2006, 04:08 PM, said in Missile Volleys:

Er, I think you want a really low reload time, as lower is faster.

And yes, you can use 0 to make it fire every frame if you want.

I beileve you're looking for something like a reload of 5, combined with a burst count of 5, and a burst reload of 120. Something like that.

Oh yeah, sorry. Mistyped.