Assigning Ship Sprites

Soy Mucho Newbie

I've been screwing around with my Nova files, trying to add a little system and government to learn how to use Mission Computer. Being a newbie, I've been editing my Nova files directly because it's easier (I know, I know, I should make a plugin, blah blah blah). I decided to make a new ship, a modified Cambrian. I copied the Cambrian, changed the stats on the copy and stuff and then tested it. The ship doesn't show up as a Cambrian, though, it shows up as a random sprite with no animations. Interestingly, the ships do have the goverment's paint color. How do I change a shďp recource's sprite?

You need a shän (ship animation) resource with the same ID as your ship. Just copy the cambrian shän and change its ID.

Thanks, works great.

EDIT: Another question: how do I assign dësc recources to ships?

This post has been edited by Phantom_Phist : 31 March 2006 - 12:39 AM

HINT: Nova Ships 7 file.

And please look in your data files before you go asking to be spoon fed here. It's all there baby. 🆒

As for resource IDs, if you can't figure it out yourself...

Ship dësc: (13000 - 128 + shďp ID)

Escort dësc: (14000 - 128 + shďp ID)