
Weap Ammo Type RID/IDX Mismatch?

Ok, I've run into a strange NovaTools error.

I've noticed that in the Ammo Type field of the weap resource, that when you type in an index number it will automaticaly convert to the resource ID.
If you just type in a resource ID, it will stay as the ID.

Except when you type in RID numbers 287 and higher, or if you type a number higher than 255 on resources that are 287 or higher.
Then something else happens. It seems to change into the IDX, at least some of the time.

The upshot is that it's making it impossible to create weapons that have ammo in resources 287 and up, as Nova won't link them properly.

I tried editing the resources in MissionComputer also. But that didn't seem to change the result.

Is this a bug in Nova or the editors?

I reported this bug in 2002 in this old thread, but as you can see there was not very much response. I did some further testing back then and here are my notes on that:

Novatools Resource Editor (NRE) AmmoType bug notes:
NRE AmmoType field accepts an RID value from 128 thru 255 and converts it to an index for the template.
If an AmmoType value >255 is entered, the NRE -> TMPL conversion works,
BUT when NRE is closed and then re-opened, the AmmoType displayed is the TMPL index value,
UNTIL the AmmoType entry is edited and it is then again converted to an index.
In essence the NRE only behaves correctly on a first-time basis, and then thereafter incorrectly displays any value input that exceeds 255.
TMPL input values from 0 through 127 are displayed in the NRE as AmmoType values 128 through 255
TMPL input values from 128 through 255 are displayed in the NRE as AmmoType values 128 through 255
TMPL input values from 256 through 383 are displayed in the NRE as AmmoType values 256 through 383
NRE input AmmoType values from 0 through 127 are displayed in the TMPL as values 0 through 127
NRE input AmmoType values from 128 through 255 are displayed in the TMPL as values 0 through 127
NRE input AmmoType values from 256 through 383 are displayed in the TMPL as values 128 through 255

The implication here is that if one uses the TMPL method exclusively, then things should work properly. However I haven't done any further research to see if there is a geme-engine problem here or not.

I think there's a similar issue with the Misn CompGovt. I seriously doubt there's an engine problem though.

This post has been edited by Guy : 19 March 2006 - 04:41 PM

Wait, so this just affects the display value? Or is it actualy changing the numbers?

My take on this problem is that it's a Novatools Resource Editor bug that incorrectly alters the values that you type in. More specifically, a bug in the NRE conversion back and forth between RIDs and indices. The values displayed by the TMPL templates are the values that are actually fed to the game engine. That's why it's always a good idea to use the TMPL templates to verify any data that you suspect you're having trouble with, regardless of which editor you're using.
So if you use Novatools to create a weapon with an AmmoType RID value >255 you're going to have problems. If, on the other hand, you use the wëap TMPL to create a weapon with an AmmoType index value >127 (and don't ever run that weapon through the NRE) it should work properly. But as I said above, I haven't tested the game-engine exhaustively in this respect.

(edit: clarification between RID vs. index )

This post has been edited by Arturo : 19 March 2006 - 09:58 PM