Problem with outf

suicide manta's wont work

A while ago I got this great idea for a plug in. Suicide Mantas. All I planned to do is replace the RLE's for raven rockets with the ones for mantas.

Well, today I decided to do it. And after a while (this was my first time dealing with RLE's, or any nova graphics for that matter.) I managed to do it. Now whenever I shot raven rockets they looked like mantas commiting suicide on my enemies.

After that small success, I decided to make it it's own outfit based off of radar missles (meaning that I actually made them a seperate outfit rather than replacing the base outfit with it) rather than on raven rockets. Long story short, I thought I had done everything correctly and put in all of the necessary ID's and all the correct information for my manta launcher. When I ran the plug, I puchased the manta launcher and the mantas. But when I proceded to fire them, I found that for some reason the launcher shows up in my secondary weapons spot, but it says I have no ammunition. Even though the manta-radar missles show up in my extras section.

Could someone please help me find out what I did wrong? Now, I shall attach the plug!
Oh yeah, it's made on a pc so pretty much yeah.

Attached File(s)

You need to set the AmmoType of the weap to its own index, which in this case would be 107.

I figured that out a little while after I posted. But when I tried it with 107, it didnt work. Did you try it on your computer or did you just say the obvious answer? Because if you tried it and it worked then I have know idea whats wrong. And, the other way I still have no idea. 😞

I was just saying that. On a second look it appears both outfits are set to type "ammunition". Though again I haven't actually changed it to see if it works 😉

eh, all i get when i DL is an empty 256 kb file.

Sweetness, it works! :laugh: Thanks for all the help Guy, I can't believe I missed something so simple. I could have sworn that I had the launcher set to weapon, but upon further inspection you were correct. Couldn't have done it without you.

Now it is time to post my first plugin on the website 🙂

And as for you Edwin_Again, I have no idea whats wrong with your download 😞