Misnamed topic about .zip files...

10.4.5 ≠ the problem...

I just found out that, under 10.4.5, a Mac will give you the same 0 kb file a PC will when expanding a .zipped resource fork file! Macs used to be able to take a .npif, etc. out of a .zip file, but now it needs to be .binned before .zipping or the Mac pulls a Windows and un.zips to a 0 kb file! What is going wrong? 😞 😉 :mad: :huh: 😮 :unsure:

This post has been edited by KedFiller : 24 February 2006 - 05:13 PM

What's going wrong is probably how you .zip it, not how you unzip it. What did you do, exactly?

I used drag-and-drop to Zippist, and then expanded it with Stuffit Expander 10. It used to work...

So, uh, where does 10.4.5 come into the equation?
From the Zippist Read Me:
Zip file can not contain resource fork. And the custom icon of file is not saved.
I take no responsibility for anything that happens to your computer as a result of the use of Zippist. So, use it at your own risk.

10.4.5 has nothing to do with it (though it can expand zip files itself just by double-clicking them - you only need to use Expander when there are .bin files to decode as well).

This post has been edited by Guy : 23 February 2006 - 07:12 PM

Oh... I had not seen that, and I could have sworn that it used to work... man, It would be so much easier without the resource fork. Not only would there be no tiny little file size limit, but the files wouldn't be so darn fragile...

This post has been edited by KedFiller : 24 February 2006 - 11:00 AM

KedFiller, on Feb 24 2006, 11:00 AM, said:

Oh... I had not seen that, and I could have sworn that it used to work...

The only way resource forks could ever be stored in a .zip file is with a special compression process that preserves them as separate files, the way Mac OS X's built-in one does.

KedFiller, on Feb 24 2006, 11:00 AM, said:

man, It would be so much easier without the resource fork. Not only would there be no tiny little file size limit, but the files wouldn't be so darn fragile...
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Not only that, but you also wouldn't be able to use ResEdit to edit them, and there probably wouldn't be any third-party editors either.

Yeah, ResEdit will do anything, and it is good to have... but MissionCompuiter would need to be updated to work with an "EV4" file regardless, right? Maybe it would be harder to have a good program, and it would end up like EVNEW (:o)... I like editing Resource Fork files, probably just because of the tools used to edit them (MissionComputer), but the maximum file size problem is frustrating....

In fact, I once decided to make a "plug" that was just the Data Files condensed into one file. Long story short, it borked halfway through.

Of course. Why do you think there are many data files? Just to annoy us? Heck no, not only we have the 16 MB limit you referred to, but also a limit of 2700 or so resources per file.