Download Problems

on the Ambrosia site

I have been having a lot of trouble downloading stuff off of the EV Nova add-ons page. When I download Vell-os revival and the incomplete TC, I get is a stuffed file as normal. It unstuffs...into nothing. There's nothing in there.

When I download rEVisited, I get rEV.sit.1, rEV.sit.2, and rEV.sit.3. I can't unstuff them, even when I remove the .1 .2 and .3. If I try to open them with ResEdit or MC, nothing's there. Command+I doesn't reveal any useful information.

So, does anyone know what's going on? If it matters, I'm on an iMac running Mac OSX 10.2.8 and I'm using Safari as my browser.

P.S. I posted this here because I supposed this was the correct board to do so, correct me if I'm wrong.



seriously though, make sure you have the latest version of stuffit expander
and i think rev is a 3-part archive, IE. tell it to opent he first and the rest should unstufff as soon as the first. aat least, it looks likes a multi-part archive based on the names.

I've seen the same thing - it's something to do with Stuffit Expander. I know that version 10 does this a lot, so try getting hold of an earlier version.

Well, just now for some reason I'm able to decompress part one of rEVisited, but not parts two three or four. I don't think I did anything to part one different.

I find that Stuffit 10 always requires a few tries before i can get the damned thing to uncompress a file properly. It's very dodgy indeed.

It seems that I'm using version 8.0.2 of Stuffit. So I guess the problems in version 10 that ya'll speak of wouldn't affect me. I guess...